soerenmetje / acme-certs-extract

The Docker image provided by this repository is meant to extract TLS certificates out of ACME storage files. The most common usecase is the extraction of Let's Encrypt certificates out of Træfik ACME storage files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ACME Certificate Extract

This tool is meant to export the certificates fetched by ACME for example through Træfik to reuse them.

This tool is compatible with Træfik v1 and v2. It also supports ACME v1 and v2.

Running the tool

The tool is written in Python and Docker – and can be used by running docker run -v $(pwd)/acme:/acme -v $(pwd)/certs:/certs devopsansiblede/acme_certs_extract.

This development repository does also provide a docker-compose.yml file to start the tool localy with the latest changes through docker-compose up -d.
Be aware that the acme_example.json present within this repository contains a nonsense example, that will brick every regular usage of it within a real certificate usecase. It is only meant to exist for testing purposes within this tool.


The basic configuration can be used without special configuration. These are the variables to change default config:

Boolean values within the variables must be noted in Python style, so True or False!

ENV Variable Default Value Description
ACMEFILE acme.json Filename of the acme file to be analyzed – may be adjusted to your needs
ACMEDIR /acme Directory where the script is searching for the ACMEFILE, so don't forget to bind / mount something here – may be changed
CERTSDIR /certs Directory where the script will store the decoded certificate files, so don't forget to bind / mount something here – may be changed.
COLOR_ERROR 1;31 ANSI Color settings for error messages
COLOR_INFO 0 ANSI Color settings for information messages
COLOR_SUCCESS 0;32 ANSI Color settings for success messages
COLOR_WARN 0;33 ANSI Color settings for warning messages
CRT_ARCHIVE True Switch for deactivating or activating the certificate archive
DEBUG False Switch on debug mode – that will print (error) messages and not stay quiet
REPLACE_ASTERISK STAR The asterisk * should not be part of filenames – so we'll replace it by this string.
Although the URL is converted to lowercase, this string is used without further modification.
STORE_FLAT_CRTS True Switch for deactivating or activating the storage of flat certificates. Flat intends all certificates to be in one folder flat, not separated by directories by domain.
LIMIT_FQDN If you want to limit the FQDNs to be watched, you can pass a comma separated list of them here; e. g.,
EXCLUDE_FQDN Counterpart of LIMIT_FQDN – comma separated list of FQDNs that should not be reflected; e. g.,
RUN_SCRIPT Mount a bash script – e. g. – into the directory ${WORKDIR} and set its name as value of RUN_SCRIPT (no leading /, has to be mounted directly into ${WORKDIR}) – then every time, the certificates were changed, this script will be executed. Useful if you want to restart some Docker containers after certificates changed (You have to mount the Docker sock, etc ...)
WORKDIR /certs_extract Do not change unless you build the container from scratch ...

ANSI Colors

The color settings above use only the numeric values – the control characters (\u001b in the beginning and m at the end) are added by the script.

A color string consists out of one to three (or even more) entities:

  • the style entity, e.g. 0 for the default or 1 for bold style
  • the foreground color, starting with a 3 – e.g. 31 for the color red
  • the background color, starting with a 4 – e.g. 43 for the color yellow

With the default colors, we only change at most the foreground colors and styles, so our defaults consist out of one or two entities.

For more information on ANSI Color codes please head over to Haoyi's Programming Blog.

The Certs directory structure

Within the CERTSDIR folder, which should be binded or mounted, the following structure will be created:

  • a subdirectory certs which will hold all certificates sorted by URLs. There will be a directory for the main URL and also for all SANs. Each URL directory contains these files:
    • privkey.pem as the file that contains the private key
    • cert.pem as the file that contains (only) the certificate for the URL
    • chain.pem as the file that contains the chain for the URL certificate
    • fullchain.pem as combined file that contains the certificate and the chain
  • a subdirectory flat which does not contain any subdirectory structure – but holds all current certificates. There are four files for every URL:
    • <URL>.key same as privkey.pem above
    • <URL>.crt same as cert.pem above
    • <URL>.chain.pem same as chain.pem above
    • <URL>_full.crt same as fullchain.pem above
  • a subdirectory archive that holds subdirectories for all domains – and below that you'll find a date structure (Python format %Y%m%d%H%M%S) with all archived certificates

The creation of certificates below certs cannot be switched off. For archive and flat directories, use the ENV CRT_ARCHIVE and STORE_FLAT_CRTS variables above if you do not want them to be created.


This project is published unter CC BY-SA 4.0 license.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

last built

2022-04-26 20:31:27


The Docker image provided by this repository is meant to extract TLS certificates out of ACME storage files. The most common usecase is the extraction of Let's Encrypt certificates out of Træfik ACME storage files.


Language:Python 93.9%Language:Shell 4.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%