socketsupply / treehash

hash a large file into a tree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hash a large file into a tree.
This makes it possible to verify just a portion of the file, if you know the necessary tree hashes.
This makes it possible to download or upload just part of a file, or reupload portions of a large file that failed. Also, this makes streaming large files or real time video possible


  • implement partical verification

  • request a proof for any range

  • construct treehash from a file, tree hash at the end (because it's the first time the file has uploaded)

  • stream to a file, verifying as we go


files, proofs, etc

we want a file. we know it's (top) hash. we say "give us block 1, with proof it's in " they send the proof and a block. we hash the block with the proof, and if it's right, we store the block and the proof.

we can then ask for another block...

the basic proof is for a sequence of blocks, and assumes you have all blocks before that. if you needed a proof for the start, that is different.


A cli is provided, not so much because it's useful to have this as a CLI tool, but because it's helpful for understanding the algorithm, especially the tree command.


I generated a file full of 10mb of random data. The default block size is 1 mb, so this is a ten block file.

> head -c 10m /dev/random > rand.file

then generated the hash tree

> I generated a file full of 10mb of random data

head -c 10m /dev/random > rand.file

then generated the hash tree

hashtree tree rand.file --offsets --branch_numbers

1 08c14826 [0] 2 1d531ce1 3 | 6017b878 [2097152] 4 00df9926 5 | | 80d21867 [4194304] 6 | 33422e6f 7 | 596ff545 [6291456] 8 0afbbebe 9 | | 3e549a99 [8388608] 10 | | bfc40606 11 | | | 8fc6795a [10485760] 12 | 102e108d 13 | | 6686c501 [12582912] 14 | ca4f7560 15 | 575b1dac [14680064] 16 ==> 47715cba 17 5334c047 [16777216] 18 c50255cd 19 5c8a2a5d [18874368]

I have included `--offsets` to show the byte offset of each block,
and `--branch_numbers` to show the the branch numbers.
These are considered internal details but are important if you wish to understand the algorithm.

If the size of the file (in blocks) is a power of 2, then the tree will be symmetric.
If it's not, as in this file, there will be a trailing portion.

`47715cba` is the "root" or "top" hash. It represents the entire file.
The tree allows us to prove that any given block or range of blocks is part of this file.

Lets generate a proof that block 0 (corresponding to branch 1) is part of thks file.

treehash proof rand.file 0 { "index": 1, "root": "47715cba8ddd34050f5f152362b9ab8e6cd8f09c4b479c9f27d81231adea29cc", "proof": [ "6017b878002d3dce7dedc83bbe2bcde7e598e88db3247323a1afc2cf8d4d6af9", "33422e6f3a2dbbd85982e1731cff55334711256eb9446d9059f2cd0faae12642", "102e108dad94f9f4b783f293b1fd780d63185a9a4a5a5fcd2dc176131360a2d8", "c50255cd1c2711f6aacefd37b73bd086e85468172b6f02add5cf039dfcef2572" ], "alg": "sha256", "block_size": 1048576 }

the proof contains a list of the hashes that are needed to reconstruct the root hash,
given that you have the file up to the first block.

> The matching the hashes in the proof with the hashes in the output of the tree command,
> the proof is branches 3, 6, 12, 18. You know 1 already, because it is the hash of block 0.
> so then 1+3=>2, 2+6=>4, 4+12=>8, 8+18=>8. And that's the root hash.

But lets have the tool verify the proof,
first save it in a file:

treehash proof rand.file 0 > proof.json

now, verify, first we need to separate the first block.
There is a command for that.

treehash block rand.file 0 > block0_rand.file

the head command can also be used

head -c 1m rand.file > block0_rand.file

note, because the hash of a block is just a plain sha256 hash,
and this file is just a single block we can confirm it has the correct hash.

shasum -a 256 block0_rand.file 08c14826c9041956426b0828b00813c20a5471ae45aec49ef8191ed0a4d1e7b8 block0_rand.file

now verify the proof that block0 is really a part of `47715cba8ddd34050f5f152362b9ab8e6cd8f09c4b479c9f27d81231adea29cc`

treehash verify block0_rand.file proof.json 47715cba8ddd34050f5f152362b9ab8e6cd8f09c4b479c9f27d81231adea29cc

if it output the same tophash, and didn't exit with an error, then they verification was successful.

We shouldn't just check that it verifies a correct file, it would fool us if it just always did that!
We need to see that an invalid file fails to verify.

copy the file and change one byte (using dd)

cp block0_rand.file block0_rand_invalid.file dd if=/dev/zero of=block0_rand_invalid.file bs=1 seek=10 count=1 conv=notrunc

now run verify

node bin.js verify block0_rand_invalid.file proof.json /home/dominic/c/treehash/bin.js:79 throw new Error('verify failed. expected:'+proof.root+', but got:'+_root) ^

Error: verify failed. expected:47715cba8ddd34050f5f152362b9ab8e6cd8f09c4b479c9f27d81231adea29cc, but got:bc6b96984a86df646464f77eb9d17d8964e080f348921620fb5f5399572c20a2 at ReadStream. (/home/dominic/c/treehash/bin.js:79:13) at ReadStream.emit (node:events:513:28) at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

### tree <input>

print the complete hash tree of the input file.

`|` connect child branches to parent branches, up to the root.
(although it is not drawn for trailing branches)
`==>` points to the root hash (which is always the largest power of 2)

supported options
  * `--offsets` (shows the byte offset of the start of this block)
  * `--branch_numbers` shows the number for the branch.
    leaves are always odd. Even numbers are hashes of hashes.
    The level in the tree corresponds to the number of factors of 2.

thanks to Dave Cottlehuber for first explaining this algorithm to me.

1 08c14826 [0] 2 1d531ce1 3 | 6017b878 [2097152] 4 00df9926 5 | | 80d21867 [4194304] 6 | 33422e6f 7 | 596ff545 [6291456] 8 0afbbebe 9 | | 3e549a99 [8388608] 10 | | bfc40606 11 | | | 8fc6795a [10485760] 12 | 102e108d 13 | | 6686c501 [12582912] 14 | ca4f7560 15 | 575b1dac [14680064] 16 ==> 47715cba 17 5334c047 [16777216] 18 c50255cd 19 5c8a2a5d [18874368]

### proof <input> <block_index>

Create a proof that data in `<input>`, up to and including `<block_index>` is part of the input file.
This is done by outputting a minimal set of branch hashes such that if you know the file up to `<block_index>`,
you will be able to recalculate the root hash.

{ "index": = 0>, "root": , "proof": [ ,... ], "alg": "sha256", "block_size": 1048576 }

`alg` and `block_size` are currently hard coded, but will be checked and the verification will fail if not provided.

### verify <input> <proof>

verifies that `<input>` is part of the file described in <proof>.
note, this only works when the input is exactly the blocks described by proof.
If the file is not the expected length then the verification will fail.

### block <input> <block_inedx>

dumps a particular block to standard output.


hash a large file into a tree


Language:JavaScript 100.0%