sociam / saap-workshop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Configuring site properties

Site metadata is in _config.yml

Editing the index and about pages

You can edit the amd pages here and changes will be reflected on

Adding posts

Add posts in .md format to the _posts directory. Posts should be named following the convention.

Editing the style

Change the style in assets/main.scss.

Adding images and other assets

Add images to assets. You can also add remote iframe content to a page or post by directly inserting an <iframe /> tag.

Local editing

To edit the site remotely, open a terminal where you want to work locally and follow these instructions:

  1. Ensure that git and ruby are installed.
  2. Clone the repository: git clone and cd
  3. Install bundler: gem install bundler.
  4. Install the bundle: bundle install; Update as needed: bundle update.
  5. Run locally at localhost:4000: bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Make edits to the site (see above)
  7. Add, commit, and push your changes: git add *, git commit -m 'your commit message', git push.



Language:Ruby 41.2%Language:CSS 39.2%Language:HTML 19.6%