socarlosb / simple-webpack-starter-kit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Install webpack
  • Test JS Modules
  • Browser live auto reload > hot module replacement
  • scss compiler
  • add source maps (for better debug in browser dev tools)
  • babel (es6) compiler
  • ./src/ folder structure
  • images compressor
  • tree shaking

TO Fix

  • remove hot module from production bundle file
  • test css tree shake (example with bootstrap!)


  • webpack - really?!

  • clean-webpack-plugin - to delete files before creating a new one (clean slate)

  • webpack-dev-server - for hot module replacemente (updates your live browser without reloading - for css only sadly!!!)

  • cross-env - Having some problems setting NODE_ENV variables to development or production, this correct for windos and mac users.

  • babel - to understand and compile new javascript sintax and features(our bundle.js will now be in good old javascript sintax, and can run on Internet Explorer!)

  • file-loader - so that webpack can handle other type of files (besides javascript files)

  • url-loader - so that webpack push url as data (instead of a link to a file, which makes an http call, which makes it slower... not sure!)

  • css-loader - so that webpack can read css files (in the javascript file!)

  • style-loader - so that webpack can add the css file on the html head file

  • extract-text-webpack-plugin - to extract my css code to a separated file, for production

  • sass-loader - translate scss to css

  • node-sass - for webpack to know css!

  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin - (read documentation for changes) it 'cleans' the bundle.js file! (NOTE: this 'guy' is a beast, I had some problems with sourcemaps because of this guy, but to simplify we just need to add in the webpack modules.export the devtools: "sourcemap" flag and also add sourceMap: true to the plugin options, when the plugin is indicated, more info here)

  • image-webpack-loader - to make images smaller (cool)

IMPORTANT NOTES It does tree shaking like this:

  • 1st don't transpile modules with babel (check .babelrc file - modules: false)
  • 2nd if conditions in code are always true, they will disapear (the condition, not the executed code)
  • 3rd if conditions are always false the code will not be in the bundle.js (cause they will never execute)
  • 4th unused modules code will not be part of the bundle.js file (cool)


Webpack Documentation

Webpack 2 - A full tutorial (4 Nov 2016)

Academind Webpack 2 Tutorial List

Ihatetomatoes Webpack 2 Tutorial


When doing npm install 'something', use i instead of install. When doing npm install 'something' --save-dev, use -D instead of --save-dev.

Basically use npm i -D webpack

Final Notes

This was a fun adventure, I learned a lot about webpack, but it was not easy at the start! But after some days of 'water & cookies' I found myself searching and reading the documentation on the webpack and npm sites. The main problem that I found, with all the tutorials and examples, was the dependencies versions! On the tutorials was working fine but if I used a new version, sometimes, I needed to change some parameters and even syntax! Another problem that I found was the webpack/npm errors... damm, the output could just be There was an error, go google! and maybe that could be better!

Feel free to test it out, and improvments are always welcome.

Still think that this could/should be alot simpler... ;) cheers


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 81.1%Language:HTML 15.3%Language:CSS 3.5%