soblinger / vizkg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Open In Colab Python Versions PyPI Version PyPI License

VizKG, a visualization library for SPARQL query results over KGs. VizKG links SPARQL query results and external visualization libraries by mapping query variables to the visualization components needed, currently allowing for 24 types of visualizations. Not only that, VizKG also provides visualization recommendations for arbitrary SPARQL query result.

Update feature v.1.0.9

VizKG now features SPARQL endpoint access with basic authentication where users can use the feature at their own risk. The purpose of VizKG is for educational only.


Use the package manager pip to install VizKG.

pip install VizKG


# Import the library
import VizKG.visualize as vkg

Visualization Recommendation

VizKG returns the automated visualization when there is no chart type preference given.

#Wikidata: Covid-19 Recoveries, Cases, and Death Growth
sparql_query = """
SELECT ?time ?Recoveries ?Cases ?Deaths WHERE {
    SELECT ?time ?Recoveries WHERE {
      wd:Q84263196 p:P8010 ?countRes .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?countRes pq:P276 ?loc }
      ?countRes ps:P8010 ?Recoveries ;
                   pq:P585 ?time .
    SELECT ?time ?Cases WHERE {
      wd:Q84263196 p:P1603 ?countRes .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?countRes pq:P276 ?loc }
       ?countRes ps:P1603 ?Cases ;
                   pq:P585 ?time .
    SELECT ?time ?Deaths WHERE {
      wd:Q84263196 p:P1120 ?countRes .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?countRes pq:P276 ?loc }
       ?countRes ps:P1120 ?Deaths ;
                   pq:P585 ?time .
sparql_service_url = ""
chart = vkg(sparql_query=sparql_query, sparql_service_url=sparql_service_url)

WD:COVID-19 Growth

Use Case Examples

Wikidata: COVID-19 Vaccine Origins

sparql_query = """
SELECT DISTINCT ?vaccineLabel ?originCountry  {
  ?vaccine wdt:P1924 wd:Q84263196 .
  ?vaccine wdt:P178 ?developer.
  ?vaccine rdfs:label ?vaccineLabel .
  ?developer wdt:P17 ?origin . 
  ?origin rdfs:label ?originCountry .
  FILTER (LANG(?vaccineLabel) = 'en').
  FILTER (LANG(?originCountry) = 'en').
#to query another endpoint, change the URL for the service and the query
sparql_service_url = ""
chart = vkg(sparql_query=sparql_query, sparql_service_url=sparql_service_url, chart='sunburst')

WD:COVID-19 Vaccine origins

DBpedia: Map of Temples in Indonesia

sparql_query = """
  ?item dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Candi_of_Indonesia;
        geo:geometry ?geo .
  ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
  FILTER((LANG(?itemLabel)) = "en")
#to query another endpoint, change the URL for the service and the query
sparql_service_url = ""
chart = vkg(sparql_query=sparql_query, sparql_service_url=sparql_service_url, chart='map')

DBpedia:Map of Temples in Indonesia

OU_UK: Number of Employees by Job Title

sparql_query = """
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?jobTitle (COUNT(?jobTitle) as ?count) WHERE {?s a foaf:Person .
  ?s <> ?jobTitle .
  FILTER (lang(?jobTitle) != 'en')
GROUP BY ?jobTitle
HAVING (?count > 10)
#to query another endpoint, change the URL for the service and the query
sparql_service_url = ""
chart = vkg(sparql_query=sparql_query, sparql_service_url=sparql_service_url, chart='TreeMap')

OU_UK:Number of Employees by Job Title

Budaya KB: Number of Temples by Indonesian Regencies

sparql_query = """
prefix bkb: <>
prefix rdfs: <>

SELECT ?provLabel (COUNT(?temple) AS ?numTemple) WHERE {
  ?temple a bkb:Candi .
  ?temple bkb:locationInProvince ?prov .
  ?prov rdfs:label ?provLabel.
  FILTER (lang(?provLabel) = 'id')

} GROUP BY ?provLabel
ORDER BY DESC(?numTemple)
#to query another endpoint, change the URL for the service and the query
sparql_service_url = ""
chart = vkg(sparql_query=sparql_query, sparql_service_url=sparql_service_url, chart='bubble')

BudayaKB:Number of Temples by Indonesian Regencies

Supported Visualizations

  • Table
  • ImageGrid
  • Map
  • Graph
  • Tree
  • Dimensions
  • Timeline
  • WordCloud
  • Histogram
  • Density Plot
  • Box Plot
  • Violin Plot
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Area Chart
  • Stacked Area Chart
  • Bubble Chart
  • Scatter Chart
  • HeatMap
  • Radar Chart
  • Tree Map
  • SunBurst Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Donut Chart

Related Work

Tool Framework Data Source Input Type Number of Chart Types
Wikidata Query Service Web-based Wikidata only SPARQL SELECT 14
Dataviz Web-based Wikidata only SPARQL SELECT 23
LDVizWiz Web-based Generic SPARQL SELECT/ASK and RDF Data 27
Sparklis Web-based Generic Text 4
Quedi Web-based Generic Text 16
Voyager Web-based Generic Tabular Data 5
S-Paths Web-based Generic RDF Data 10
Gastrodon Python Library Generic RDF Data -
kglab Python Library Generic RDF Data 1
Autoviz Python Library Generic Tabular Data 5
Visualizer Python Library Generic Tabular Data 20

Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 88.6%Language:Python 11.4%