soaErikNord / Twitter-API-Hook

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Akana API Hook

![Image of Akana] (


API Hook using SOA Software's Products to interact with the Twitter API. Also, integrates with Twitter's OAuth authorization steps.

Twitter API

About the API


  • Create a Twitter Developer account at Twitter Developers and define your application.
    • Click on the 'Create New App' button.
    • Enter the name of your application.
    • Enter a description for your application.
    • Enter the Website of your application.
    • If necessary, enter the Callback URL that if required for OAuth 1.0a
    • Accept the agreement and click on 'Create your Twitter appliction' button.
  • You must install the pso extension custom policies
    • unzip the (available in this repository) into the /sm70 directory.
    • unzip the (available in this repository) into the /sm70 directory.
    • unzip the (available in this repository) into the /sm70 directory.
    • stop all PM and ND nodes
    • Run the configurator in update mode for all PM and ND instances:
      • Run this command, depending on your environment:
        • Windows: <Gateway base dir>\sm70\bin\startup.bat configurator -Dsilent=true -DdeploymentName=Standalone -Dproperties=C:\\
        • UNIX/Linux: <Gateway base dir>/sm70/bin/ configurator -Dsilent=true -Dproperties=/export/home/username/
        • The myprops.propertis path must be the fully qualified path, and the file contents will look like:<instance name, e.g. PM>
    • Using the SOA Admin Console, install the following Plug-ins in each PM container:
      • Akana PSO Persistence
    • Using the SOA Admin Console, install the following Plug-ins in each ND container:
      • Akana APIHooks Enhancements
    • Restart all PM and ND containers.

Getting Started Instructions

Download and Import

  • Download
  • Download the file, and edit it to replace the text with the 'Container Key' of the ND or ND cluster in your target PM.
    • The container key is found by going to the 'Details Tab' of the ND, or ND Cluster, defined in the Policy Manager Console. Looking at the 'Container Overview' tab on that page, copy the 'Container Key:' value. container key screenshot
    • Login to Policy Manger, example: https://:
    • Select the root 'Registry' organization and click on the 'Import Package' from the Action Portlet window on the right side of the screen
      • Click on the button to browse for the archive file
      • Make sure to select the file.
      • Click OK button to start the importation of the hook.
    • This will create a 'Twitter API Hook Organization' with the requisite artifacts to run the API.

Verify Import

  • Expand the service folder in the 'Twitter API Hook' you imported and find 'Twitter_API_vs0'

Activate Anonymous Contract

  • Expand the contracts folder in the 'Twitter API Hook' you imported and find the 'Twitter Anonymous' contract under the 'Provided Contracts' folder.
  • Click on the 'Activate Contract' workflow activity in the right hand Activities portlet.
  • Ensure that the status changes to 'Workflow is Completed'

Configure Security

  • Go to Twitter API Hook --> Policies --> Operational Policies --> ProcessVariables policy
    • Click 'modify' in the XML Policy Tab. An XML Policy content editor dialog will be displayed.
    • Change the value of the 'redirectURI' element to be the 'Redirect URL' value you added in the Twitter Developers Application Console, from above.
    • Save the changes
    • Click on the 'Activate Policy' workflow activity in right hand Activities portlet.
    • Validate that the status changes to 'State: Active'

####Verify Connectivity Twitter API offers using 2-legged OAuth2 to consume specific API's. Akana Software's Twitter API Hook are successfully authenticated using Twitter's OAuth2 API's.

The figure below shows the entire OAuth2 2-Legged Application-Only flow: 2-Legged OAuth Steps:
1-4) The consuming application requests an access token to use Twitter API's via Akana Software's API Gateway. Twitter expects the api key and api secret to be passed in a Basic Authentication header on the message. The grant type is a required parameter with the value of 'client_credentials':

  • Request:

        POST /oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
        Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        Authorization: Basic eHlXeTUxZmFiYnpaMlBRRktvTVlJUDJVdzp2d2dxbjFRcU91d3E2UWdvRE54WUlQREhjSXh6bjRxTHBpOGJZT0RNaGlkblpWakRXWA==
        Content-Length: 29
        Host: enord-macbook-pro.local:9920
        Connection: Keep-Alive
        User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
  • Response:

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
        Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0
        content-disposition: attachment; filename=json.json
        Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 13:25:32 GMT
        Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
        Last-Modified: Mon, 18 May 2015 13:25:32 GMT
        ml: A
        Set-Cookie: guest_id=v1%3A143195553271495424;;Path=/;Expires=Wed, 17-May-2017 13:25:32 UTC
        status: 200 OK
        strict-transport-security: max-age=631138519
        x-connection-hash: 367252cdcf4c0f282032293078848c3c
        x-content-type-options: nosniff
        x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
        x-response-time: 17
        x-transaction: ef6f24c4ddbfc530
        x-tsa-request-body-time: 0
        x-twitter-response-tags: BouncerCompliant
        x-ua-compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1
        x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
        Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        Server: Jetty(7.6.10.v20130312)

5-8) The consuming application requests an actual API using the access token that was returned from Twitter's OAuth2 call:

  • Request:

        GET /twitterapihook/statuses/user_timeline.json?count=100&screen_name=twitterapi HTTP/1.1
        Authorization: Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArPfgAAAAAAEbfGdNpuDl%2FYCIC7Dx0%2FGgkbMEs%3DrX8NQm2O0a7eHUBGkhQ6ADfHgFGn2ZJEUvBcY5IoIc7rgpUkgK
        Accept-Encoding: gzip
        Host: enord-macbook-pro.local:9920
        Connection: Keep-Alive
        User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)
  • Response:

          "created_at": "Tue Apr 21 08:57:15 +0000 2015",
          "id": 590439141420224512,
          "id_str": "590439141420224512",
          "text": "API updates for Direct Message options",
          "source": "<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Twitter for Mac<\/a>",
          "truncated": false,
          "in_reply_to_status_id": null,
          "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,
          "in_reply_to_user_id": null,
          "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,
          "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
          "user":       {
             "id": 6253282,
             "id_str": "6253282",
             "name": "Twitter API",
             "screen_name": "twitterapi",
             "location": "San Francisco, CA",
             "description": "The Real Twitter API. I tweet about API changes, service issues and happily answer questions about Twitter and our API. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.",
             "url": "",
             "entities":          {
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                "description": {"urls": []}
             "protected": false,
             "followers_count": 3283862,
             "friends_count": 48,
             "listed_count": 12958,
             "created_at": "Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007",
             "favourites_count": 27,
             "utc_offset": -25200,
             "time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
             "geo_enabled": true,
             "verified": true,
             "statuses_count": 3534,
             "lang": "en",
             "contributors_enabled": false,
             "is_translator": false,
             "is_translation_enabled": false,
             "profile_background_color": "C0DEED",
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             "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED",
             "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6",
             "profile_text_color": "333333",
             "profile_use_background_image": true,
             "default_profile": false,
             "default_profile_image": false,
             "following": null,
             "follow_request_sent": null,
             "notifications": null
          "geo": null,
          "coordinates": null,
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          "contributors": null,
          "retweet_count": 95,
          "favorite_count": 99,
          "entities":       {
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             "user_mentions": [],
             "urls": [         {
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                "indices":             [
          "favorited": false,
          "retweeted": false,
          "possibly_sensitive": false,
          "lang": "en"


Twitter Application-Only
