Note: The API of this library is still unstable and has not been sufficiently tested, please do not use it in production environments.
- MQTT 3.1.1 compatible.
- Full MQTT Feature-set (QoS, Retained, $SYS)
- Trie-based Subscription model.
- Ring Buffer packet codec.
- TCP, Websocket, (including SSL/TLS).
- Interfaces for Client Authentication and Topic access control.
- Bolt-backed persistence and storage interfaces.
- Server Publish (Publish, PublishToClientByID, ...).
- Event hooks (Recv, Send, ...), see
- Improve event hooks and server publish interface
- MQTT v5 compatibility
import (
func main() {
// Create the new MQTT Server.
server := mqtt.New()
// Create a TCP listener on a standard port.
tcp := listener.NewTCP("t1", ":1883", &mqtt.AuthAllow{})
// Add the listener to the server.
err := server.AddListener(tcp)
if err != nil {
// Start the broker. Serve() is blocking - see examples folder
// for usage ideas.
err = server.Serve()
if err != nil {
Examples of running the broker with various configurations can be found in the examples
Authentication and ACL may be configured on a per-listener basis by providing an Auth Controller to the listener configuration. Custom Auth Controllers should satisfy the Auth
interface found in auth.go
. Two default controllers are provided, AuthAllow
, which allows all traffic, and AuthDisallow
, which denies all traffic.
tcp := listener.NewTCP("t1", ":1883", &mqtt.AuthAllow{})
err := server.AddListener(tcp)
If no auth controller is provided in the listener configuration, the server will default to Allowing all traffic.
SSL/TLS may be configured on both the TCP and Websocket listeners.
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(publicCertificate, privateKey)
if err != nil {
cfg := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}}
tcp := listener.NewTCPWithTLS("t1", ":1883", &mqtt.AuthAllow{}, cfg)
err := server.AddListener(tcp)
Note the mandatory inclusion of the Auth Controller!
Snple MQTT provides a persistence.Store
interface for developing and attaching persistent stores to the broker. The default persistence mechanism packaged with the broker is backed by Bolt and can be enabled by assigning a *bolt.Store
to the server.
// import ""
err = server.AddStore(bolt.New("mqtt.db", nil))
if err != nil {
Persistence is on-demand (not flushed) and will potentially reduce throughput when compared to the standard in-memory store. Only use it if you need to maintain state through restarts.
Snple MQTT provides interfaces such as Publish
, PublishToClientByID
etc. for publish messages directly from the server.
"time", // topic
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"time": "%s"}`, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))), // payload
1, // qos
false, // retain
"mqtt_123456", // client id
"time", // topic
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"time": "%s"}`, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))), // payload
1, // qos
false, // retain
With PublishToClientByID
, you can publish messages to specified client, even if the client is not subscribed. (It depends on whether your client will handle unsubscribed messages.)
Snple MQTT provides a Hook interface for extending server functionality.
type Hook interface {
// When the client connects to the server
// If the return is false, the client will be rejected.
Connect(*Server, *Client) bool
// When the client disconnects
DisConnect(*Server, *Client, error)
// When the server receives a packet.
// If the return is false, it will cancel the operation.
Recv(*Server, *Client, *packets.Packet) bool
// When the server sends a packet.
// If the return is false, it will cancel the operation.
Send(*Server, *Client, *packets.Packet) bool
// When the server receives a message from the client publish.
// If the return is false, it will cancel the operation.
Emit(*Server, *Client, *packets.Packet) bool
// When the server pushes a message to the client
// If the return is false, it will cancel the operation.
Push(*Server, *Client, *packets.Packet) bool
With this interface, you can debug more easily, and:
func (*MyHook) Emit(server *mqtt.Server, client *mqtt.Client, pk *packets.Packet) bool {
log.Printf("Client publish: %v, topic: %v, payload:%v", client.ID, pk.TopicName, pk.Payload)
if pk.TopicName == "time" {
client.ID, // client id
"time_ack", // topic
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"time": "%s"}`, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))), // payload
1, // qos
false, // retain
return true
This code demonstrates that when a client sends a message with topic
of "time" to the server, the server gives direct feedback to the client.
Contributions and feedback are both welcomed and encouraged! Open an issue to report a bug, ask a question, or make a feature request.