snowhyt / Web-based-CRM-System-for-Glee-Tech-Solutions-Provider-Co.

This is a requisite capstone project during college, entitled "WEB-BASED CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR GLEE TECH SOLUTIONS PROVIDER CO." The project is covers the features and functionality of Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) which technically focuses on the Customer perspective, relationship and retention to the business

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

---------------NOTE: WEB HOSTING IS DOWN/EXPIRED----------------

CRM manage and store customers information for future usage and increasing the accessbility and processing time. Developers also, added features like "Live Chat" at the landing page and utilize ticketing system in customer service.

The System was developed using development tools like HTML, PHP, CSS (Bootstrap), MySQL, and Buonzz API, with the application of


This is a requisite capstone project during college, entitled "WEB-BASED CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR GLEE TECH SOLUTIONS PROVIDER CO." The project is covers the features and functionality of Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) which technically focuses on the Customer perspective, relationship and retention to the business


Language:PHP 35.9%Language:CSS 21.6%Language:Less 20.2%Language:JavaScript 13.4%Language:Hack 5.1%Language:SCSS 3.8%