snipsco / sda

Secure distributed aggregation of high-dimensional vectors

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SDA is a framework used at Snips for Secure Distributed Aggregation. It implements a simple and efficient multi-party computation protocol for computing aggregations (sums for now) of data from several participants while keeping all inputs private.

In exchange for computing only a certain class of functions, the system has been optimised to run on relatively weak and sporadic devices such as mobile phones. In particular, one aim of SDA is to combine locally trained machine learning models from mobile phones into a global model, and doing so privately.


A runnable version of this scenario [docs/](can be found here).

SDA relies on interaction between several agents helped by a single server.


First we can build and start the server:

cd server-cli
cargo build
cargo run -- --jfs tmp/simple-data/server httpd

This starts a SDA server that will listen for localhost on port 8888, and use json files in the directory to store its state. --help will show options to move data around or change the listening socket. For production setup a MongoDB alternative storage is offered.


Next we need a recipient. This is the person or organisation that is setting up the aggregation specification and who will receive the final aggregated result.

As well as the recipient, we will create three possible clerks: these three agents, by providing the server with a public encryption key, become candidates to take part in distributed computations. Private data is never at risk of being exposed to any clerk, and the protocol has furthermore been designed to minimise their work load.

For this walkthrough we will use the command line client to show the interactions of agents, but there is also a client library for incorporating SDA in other applications. In the following, the -i allows us to specify different identity storages to simulate several agents on the same computer.

(cd cli && cargo build)
alias sda=./cli/target/debug/sda

for i in recipient clerk-1 clerk-2 clerk-3
    sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/$i agent create
    sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/$i agent keys create

We will also create three participants in the process: they will offer the data to be aggregated, without making it public to the server or any other agent in the operation.

for i in part-1 part-2 part-3
    sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/$i agent create


Now that we have enough clerks to share the secrets and spread the trust, the recipient can create the aggregation (having created the participants do not matter).

RECIPIENT_KEY_ID=$(grep -l '"ek"' tmp/simple-data/agent/recipient/keys/* | sed 's/.*\///;s/\.json//')
sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/recipient aggregations create --id $AGGID "aggro" 10 433 $RECIPIENT_KEY_ID 3
sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/recipient aggregations begin $AGGID

We need a bit of shell plumbing to grab the recipient key for now, but the gist of these command is to create an aggregation (with a provided id), and a name. It will aggregate participations of 10 numbers, taken from a (semi-exclusive) 0..433 interval. We also specify the key we want the final result to be encrypted under and the number of ways (3) we want to split the participants secrets.

The "begin" command will actually pick a committee of 3 clerks (among the clerks and recipient) and thus "open" the aggregation for participation.


At this point each participant can send its contribution to be aggregated.

sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/part-1 participate $AGGID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/part-2 participate $AGGID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/part-3 participate $AGGID 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

These secret inputs are split between the elected clerks, each part encrypted with the corresponding key, and sent to the server. Splitting the participations are done using secret sharing so that no group of agents below a specified privacy threshold can recover the inputs from the shares. Likewise, any outsider such as the server cannot recover the inputs since to do so one would need to decrypt the shares using secret keys known only by the clerks.


When the recipient determines that enough participations have been made, the aggregation can be closed to move it to the next stage:

sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/recipient aggregations end $AGGID

The server will organize the data in "jobs" that the three clerk from the committee will have to eventually work upon.

for i in recipient clerk-1 clerk-2 clerk-3
    sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/$i clerk --once

Without the --once parameter, the command would behave as a long running process that checks the server queue periodically and perform whatever task the server has in store.

Here it will just check once. Three out of the four potential clerks have actual clerking jobs, the remaining one none.

Each clerk actually aggregates its part of the multi-party computation protocol, and then sends back its share of the result to the server, encrypted under the recipient's key.

Final reveal

The recipient can reconstruct the final aggregated output from the results of the clerks:

sda -i tmp/simple-data/agent/recipient aggregations reveal $AGGID

In our case, it should read: 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10.

Doing more, with APIs

The command line client only expose a subset of the API, at least for now. It is not meant to be the primary mode of interacting with an SDA service. The Rust API to the client, or the REST API to the server allow more flexibility:

  • tweaking the sharing scheme: the Packed Shamir Scheme provides resilience over clerks failure, as well as reducing message size.
  • using a masking scheme to protect participants privacy against a collusion between clerks
  • using the Paillier cryptosystem to scale up the system to any number of participants
  • allowing candidate clerks to link their profile to some external authenticating system to improve participants trust in the system
  • allow recipient to actually chose the clerks that should get in the committee for its aggregation



  • protocol documents the SDA service interface, as implemented by the server and consumed by the client
  • client contains the core client code, published as sda-client, with a minimum of options and dependencies
  • server is the minimum server

Server and network

Various combination for these crates can be tested with integration-tests.

Command line interface

  • cli is the agent command line interface. The executable name is sda.
  • server-cli binds all of the server pieces together in a command line interface called sdad.


These wrappers are meant to be used in application (typically mobile or embedded apps). They have not been released yet, they need a bit of cleanup but will come soon.

  • /embeddable-client wraps client and client-http to exposes the client functionality in a C-friendly
  • /javaclient builds on top of it a semantic interface for Java application (including Android)
  • /swiftclient does the same for Swift, targetting macOS and iOS application integration.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.  


Secure distributed aggregation of high-dimensional vectors



Language:Rust 100.0%