sniperliu / caribou-admin

Admin for Caribou written in Caribou!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is the default admin interface for sites built using caribou.


To run the admin standalone, you need to check this project out

% git clone

Then create a config file in resource/config. You most probably want to name it development.clj and have something like this in it:

{:database {:classname    "org.postgresql.Driver"
            :subprotocol  "postgresql"
            :host         "localhost"
            :database     "caribou_test"
            :user         "foo"
            :password     "bar"}
 :cache-templates :never
 :controller {:namespace "caribou.admin.controllers"}}

and then start it up:

% lein ring server

Generally, though, you will need to have a valid, existing Caribou database to run the server standalone like this. You will only really ever need to do this if you are working on the Caribou admin project itself.


Copyright © 2013 Instrument

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Admin for Caribou written in Caribou!


Language:JavaScript 49.4%Language:Clojure 25.6%Language:HTML 18.1%Language:CSS 6.8%Language:Ruby 0.2%