sneetsher / newsmap

Newsmap: geographical news classifier

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Newsmap: geographical news classifier

Semi-supervised Bayesian model for geographical document classification. Its online version has been working since 2011. It has first been in Python, but recently implemented in R. This program automatically construct a large geographical dictionary from a corpus of news stories for accurate classification. Currently, the newsmap package contains seed dictionaries for English, German and Japanese documents.

The detail of the algorithm is explained in Newsmap: semi-supervised approach to geographical news classification. newsmap has also been used in recent social scientific studies:

How to install

This package is not upload to CRAN, so please install by running this command in R. You need to have devtools installed beforehand.



In the following example, newsmap creates a dicitonary for June 21 2012 with news stories collected from Yahoo News via RSS. Yahoo News stories are not in this package as it is too large, but availabe on request.

Download example data

download.file('', '~/yahoo-news.RDS')

Train Newsmap classifier

## quanteda version 1.0.4
## Using 7 of 8 threads for parallel computing
## Attaching package: 'quanteda'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     View

# Load data
data <- readRDS('~/yahoo-news.RDS')
data$text <- paste0(data$head, ". ", data$body)
data$body <- NULL
corp <- corpus(data, text_field = 'text')

# Custom stopwords
month <- c('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
           'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')
day <- c('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')
agency <- c('AP', 'AFP', 'Reuters')

# Select training period
sub_corp <- corpus_subset(corp, '2014-01-01' <= date & date <= '2014-12-31')

# Tokenize
toks <- tokens(sub_corp)
toks <- tokens_remove(toks, stopwords('english'), valuetype = 'fixed', padding = TRUE)
toks <- tokens_remove(toks, c(month, day, agency), valuetype = 'fixed', padding = TRUE)

# Train a classifier using seed dictionary
# English: data_dictionary_newsmap_en
# German: data_dictionary_newsmap_de
# Japanese: data_dictionary_newsmap_ja

# Use data_dictionary_newsmap_en because text corpus in this example contains English texts
label_toks <- tokens_lookup(toks, data_dictionary_newsmap_en, levels = 3) # level 3 is countries
label_dfm <- dfm(label_toks)

feat_dfm <- dfm(toks, tolower = FALSE)
feat_dfm <- dfm_select(feat_dfm, selection = "keep", '^[A-Z][A-Za-z1-2]+', valuetype = 'regex', case_insensitive = FALSE) # include only proper nouns to model
feat_dfm <- dfm_trim(feat_dfm, min_count = 10)

model <- textmodel_newsmap(feat_dfm, label_dfm)
summary(model, n = 15)
## Classes:
##    bi, km, dj, er, et, ke, mg, mw, mu, yt, mz, re, rw, sc, so ...  
## Features:
##    French, Ivanovic, Safarova, PARIS, Former, Open, Ana, Lucie, Czech, Republic, Central, America, President, Barack, Obama ...  
## Documents:
##    text63, text68, text69, text73, text78, text79, text84, text85, text86, text92, text94, text103, text104, text106, text115 ...

Predict geographical focus of texts

country <- predict(model)
## text63 text68 text69 text73 text78 text79 
##   "fr"   "us"   "ug"   "ng"   "es"   "es"
head(sort(table(country), decreasing = TRUE))
## country
##   gb   us   ru   ua   au   cn 
## 9819 8071 7848 7021 5854 5630


Newsmap: geographical news classifier


Language:R 100.0%