sneas / img-comparison-slider

Image comparison slider. Compare images before and after. Supports React, Vue, Angular.

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Slider Component for Comparing Images (Before and After).

Usage examples:


Most Important Features

  • Mobile friendly
  • Accessible
  • Responsive
  • Compact - less than 12 kB minified (Or less than 4 kB if gzipped)
  • Compatible with modern frameworks (React, Angular, Vue2, Vue3)
  • Distributed via CDN or NPM


Browser Requirements



  <img slot="first" src="before.jpg" />
  <img slot="second" src="after.jpg" />

Frameworks Support

Supported Attributes

Besides the default HTMLElement attributes such as class, tabindex, title, etc., img-comparison-slider supports:

Attribute Description Default Available
value Position of the divider in percents. 50 0..100
hover Automatically slide on mouse over. false
direction Set slider direction. horizontal horizontal, vertical
nonce Define nonce which gets passed to inline style.
keyboard Enable/disable slider position control with the keyboard. enabled enabled, disabled
handle Enable/disable dragging by handle only. false true, false


The component emits slide event when the slider position is changed by user.


Some styling techniques and ideas can be found in examples.

The component elements like the default handle or the separator line could be styled using CSS3 variables.


<style type="text/css">
  img-comparison-slider {
    --divider-width: 2px;
    --divider-color: #c0c0c0;
    --default-handle-opacity: 0.3;

Available Variables

Variable Description Default value Example value
--divider-width Width of the vertical line separating both images 1px 1em
--divider-color Color of the vertical line separating the two images #fff rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
--divider-shadow Shadow cast by the vertical line separating the two images none 0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
--handle-position-start Handle position on the divider axis. In case the handle must be displaced off the center 50%
--default-handle-width Width of the default handle 50px
--default-handle-color Color of the default handle #fff rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
--default-handle-opacity Opacity of the default handle 1 0.3
--default-handle-shadow Shadow cast by the default handle none 0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)


The handle of the component can be changed by assigning the attribute slot="handle" to any element within img-comparison-slider.


Image comparison slider. Compare images before and after. Supports React, Vue, Angular.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 62.0%Language:JavaScript 16.5%Language:SCSS 14.2%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:Shell 3.0%Language:CSS 1.0%