smv1999 / batch-scripting

Batch Scripting

Repository from Github https://github.comsmv1999/batch-scriptingRepository from Github https://github.comsmv1999/batch-scripting

Batch Scripting

Simple files which store commands that can be executed in windows environment using the command prompt in order to do some meaningful tasks are known as batch scripts.

List of Commands

Commands Description
ver Shows the version of MS-DOS
cd Change directory
md Make directory - creates a directory
rd Remove directory
cls Clears the screen
dir Shows you all the contents of a directory
echo Shows you the message that follows the command
exit Used to close the console
rem Comments a command
start Starts the program in a new window
time Displays the time
pause Prompts and waits for the user to perform any action
move Moves files across various directories
path This batch command displays or sets the path variable
ren Renames files and directories
type This batch command displays the contents of a file or files to the output
vol This batch command displays the volume labels
find This batch command searches for a string in files or input, outputting matching lines
help This batch command shows the list of Windows-supplied commands
ipconfig This batch command displays Windows IP configuration
ping It sends ICMP/IP "echo" packets over the network to the designated address
sort This batch command takes the input from a source file and sorts its content alphabetically, from A to Z, or Z to A. It prints the output on the console
taskkill This batch command ends one or more tasks
tasklist It lists tasks including task name and process id(PID)
Fc This batch command displays the actual differences between two files.


Batch Scripting


Language:Batchfile 100.0%