smswithoutborders / SMSWithoutBorders-customplatform-Slack

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OAuth2 Slack App

A simple slack app that authenticates users given their app's Client ID and Client Secret and sends a message on their behalf.

Installing Dependencies

  • Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies in requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements. txt

Creating and Installing your Slack App

  • Head over to the Slack API site and create a new slack app.
  • Select the workspace you want your app to be installed in.
  • After your app is created, go to OAuth & Permissions on your sidebar menu.
  • Scroll down to the Scopes section where we have Bot Token Scopes and User Token Scopes.
  • Add a new scope for each of them. For each, select chat:write.
  • Go back to your sidebar menu in the Settings sections and go to Install App.
  • Click on the button to install your app to the workspace.
  • If you make any more changes to the scope, be sure to reinstall your app.
  • Go back to your Auth & Permissions page. You should be able to find where to add a callback URL. This is the URL our flask app will go to after you've been authenticated.
  • The base URL of this Flask app (if running locally) is and the callback URL is However, the slack API only accepts https sites for callback URLs.
  • Add as your callback URL.

Running your app to send a message on your behalf

  • In this project's root, rename the .example.env file to .env.
  • Grab the Client ID and Client Secret of yor Slack App from the API site and add. Also add your callback URL.
  • Run flask run on your terminal.

Test the Events API (Make sure the app is running)

  • Navigate to the Event Subscriptions page and enable events.
  • Your request URL should be
  • Scroll down to subscribe to bot events. Add message.channels.
  • Go to the OAuth & Permissions page, get your bot token and add to the environment file.
  • Head back to your slack workspace and invite your app to the channel you intend it should send messages to.
  • Send a message any channel the bot is in. The bot should send a message to you for you to connect to SWOB.

API Reference

  • GET /: Displays homepage to begin authentication

  • GET /auth/slack: Displays a consent screen with the various scopes for users to grant permission

  • POST /oauth/slack/callback: Exchanges temporary authorization code for the access token

    • code: Temporal authorization code issued by slack after granting consent.
  • POST /slack/send: Send message to slack with stored access token

    • channel: A channel ID or channel name you are currently present in. User ID if you want to DM someone.
    • message: The message or text you intend sending.
  • POST /slack/events: Listens for events in the slack workspace


You are good to go!!



Language:Python 98.1%Language:Shell 1.9%