smolleyes / nw-autoupdater

Library provides low-level API to control NW.js app auto-updates

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NW-Autoupdater v1.1


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Library provides low-level API to control NW.js app auto-updates. This project can be seen as a reincarnation of node-webkit-updater, which is not maintained anymore.


  • Node >= 7 compliant
  • clean async/await syntax
  • supports both Zip/Tar.Gz archives
  • fires download/install progress events

Strategy ScriptSwap

Autoupdater in action

📹 Screencast: Running nw-autoupdater examples in the terminal on Ubuntu

What do we do to autoupdate (see demo A or demo B)

  • readRemoteManifest reads manifest from the remote release server
  • checkNewVersion( rManifest ) checks if the version in the remote manifest greater than one of the local manifest
  • If the remote manifest doesn't have newer version, skips the update flow
    • We subscribe for download events
    • We subscribe for install events
  • download( rManifest ) downloads the latest available release matching the host platform (according to the packages map of the remote manifest)
  • unpack( updateFile ) unpacks the release archive (zip or tar.gz) in a temporary directory
  • Strategy AppSwap
    • restartToSwap( extraArgs ) closes the app and launches the downloaded release
    • isSwapRequest() - checks if we need to go the swap flow (while running in tmp and therefore having the initial app directory unlocked for writing)
    • swap() - backs up actual version and replaces it with the new one
    • restart( extraArgs ) - restarts the updated app from its original location
  • Strategy ScriptSwap
    • restartToSwap() closes the app and launches the swap script, which launches the application when it's done


  • Run release server (see example)
  • Add to your client manifest (package.json) field manifestUrl pointing at release server
  • Package your app by using nwjs-builder (see example)
  • Update the contents of packages field in release server manifest (e.g. by running node update.js)
  • Update version field in release server manifest
  • Launch your app and observe it's auto-updating




new AutoUpdate( manifest, options );


  • manifest - e.g. require( "./package.json" )
  • options.strategy - (OPTIONAL) can be ScriptSwap or AppSwap. By default AppSwap
  • options.executable - (OPTIONAL) executable if it doesn't match project name
  • options.backupDir - (OPTIONAL) directory to backup. By default it's <project_name>.bak next to app directory
  • options.execDir - (OPTIONAL) app directory. By default it's extracted from process.execPath (nwjs-builder bundles the app into self-extractable and process.cwd() is not a reliable source). Yet on a Mac process.execPath contains the full path to the executable within MacOS bundle. So you rather use this option to set the app path directly.
  • options.updateDir - (OPTIONAL) temporary directory where the downloaded package gets extracted. By default /tmp/nw-autoupdater
  • options.logPath - (OPTIONAL) the full path to the log file. By default nw.App.dataPath + "/nw-autoupdater.log": Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%/<project_name>; Linux: ~/.config/<project_name>; OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/<project_name>
  • options.verbose - (OPTIONAL) when true swap script reports verbose in the log file. By default false
  • options.swapScript - (OPTIONAL) you custom swap script content (NOTE: available only for ScriptSwap strategy)
  • options.accumulativeBackup - (OPTIONAL) when true for every backup creates a new folder. By default false

Writing custom swap script

You can define with options.swapScript you own custom swap script:

 const updater = new AutoUpdater( require( "./package.json" ), {
          strategy: "ScriptSwap",
          swapScript: `

By default on Linux/MacIO the following script is used:

rsync -a\${VERBOSE} --delete \${APP_PATH}/. \${BAK_PATH}/
rsync -a\${VERBOSE} --delete \${UPDATE_PATH}/. \${APP_PATH}/

where the variables are populated from ARGV:

  • VERBOSE - "v" or ""
  • APP_PATH - application home directory
  • BAK_PATH - backup directory
  • UPDATE_PATH - update directory

For example, if you have for package not the entire NW.js application, but just HTML5 project, you set up the following script:

rsync -a\${VERBOSE} --delete \${APP_PATH}/. \${BAK_PATH}/
rsync -a\${VERBOSE} \${UPDATE_PATH}/. \${APP_PATH}/package

So it backups the project, but copies extracted packaged into package subfolder in application home directory


Reads package.json of the release server

const rManifest = await updater.readRemoteManifest();

Returns: Promise<manifest: Object>


Check if the release server has newer app version

const needsUpdate = await updater.checkNewVersion( rManifest );


  • rManifest - manifest of the release server

Returns: Promise<needsUpdate: boolean>


Download last available update to the temp directory

const updateFile = await rManifest, { debounceTime: 100 });


  • rManifest - manifest of the release server
  • options.debounceTime - (OPTIONAL) debounce time in milliseconds

Returns: Promise<filepath: string>


Unpack downloaded update

const extractDir = await updater.unpack( updateFile, { debounceTime: 100 } );


  • updateFile - path to downloaded update
  • options.debounceTime - (OPTIONAL) debounce time in milliseconds

Returns: Promise<directory: string>


Close this version of app and start the downloaded one with --swap param

await updater.restartToSwap();


  • extraArgs - (OPTIONAL) Extra arguments to be passed to the newly started app

Returns: Promise



Subscribe on download progress event

updater.on( "download", ( downloadSize, totalSize ) => {
  console.log( "download progress", Math.floor( downloadSize / totalSize * 100 ), "%" );


Subscribe on install progress event

updater.on( "install", ( installFiles, totalFiles ) => {
  console.log( "install progress", Math.floor( installFiles / totalFiles * 100 ), "%" );

Extra Methods required for Strategy AppSwap


Checks if the app launched for swap

const needsSwap = updater.isSwapRequest();

Returns: boolean


Backs up current version of the app and replaces it with the downloaded version

await updater.swap();

Returns: Promise


Restarts the updated app

await updater.restart();


  • extraArgs - (OPTIONAL) Extra arguments to be passed to the newly started app

Returns: Promise


nw-autoupdater welcomes maintainers. There is plenty of work to do. No big commitment required, if all you do is review a single Pull Request, you are a maintainer.

How to check changes

# Clone the git repo
git clone

# Navigate to the newly created directory
cd nw-autoupdater

# Switch the branch if needed
# Make changes in the code
# Bundle the package
npm pack

# You'will get a new file like `nw-autoupdater-1.1.11.tgz`
# Switch a client example
cd example/client-strategy-script/

# Install the updated package
npm i ../../nw-autoupdater-1.1.11.tgz

# Package demo app
npm run package

# Extract demo app package in a temp directory
unzip ../server/releases/ -d /tmp/Sandbox/

# Switch to release server example
cd ../server/
# Make sure dependencies up to date
npm i
# Update releases manifest
npm run update
# Start the server
npm start

# Now start the demo app from your temp /tmp/Sandbox/

# It says:
#  Application ver. 1.0.0
#  App is up to date...

# Switch back to demo app and update its version
cd ../client-strategy-script/
npm version patch
npm run package

# Back to the server to update manifest
cd ../server/
npm run update
npm start

# When starting the built app it updates

My book:

Cross-platform Desktop Application Development: Electron, Node, NW.js, and React

I split the book in four tutorials, starting with basics and advancing progressively though more and more complex aspects. So the first part guides on creating a file-explorer built with pure JavaScript and NW.js/Node.js. The second part is about creating a chat with Electron, React and PhotonKit. The third part is about screen capturer made with NW.js, React/Redux and Material UI. The last part guides on creating RSS aggregator with Electron, React, Redux and TypeScript.


Library provides low-level API to control NW.js app auto-updates

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.7%Language:HTML 15.3%