smoll / orbit-ui

React UI for Astronomer

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Open-source UI for Astronomer's managed Apache Airflow platform. For Enterprise Edition - a production-ready Airflow stack deployable to any Kubernetes cluster. For Cloud Edition (coming soon) - a fully managed service hosted on our infrastructure.

Some notable features:

  • Deploy Airflow instances in one click.
  • Monitor deployments easily with server logs, worker queues, and more.
  • Manage user roles and deployment access, with a history of audit logs for all activities (coming soon).

Run Locally

Orbit connects to Houston API. The steps to setup for local development:

Run Houston API

  1. Download Houston from

  2. Houston requires Docker to run. Make sure you have Docker installed.

  3. Update docker-compose.override.yaml file to enable Google Oauth:

GOOGLE_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL: "http://localhost:5000/oauth/google"
  1. Run docker-compose-up in your houston-api repo.

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8870/playground to access the graphql playground (and ensure houston is running.)

Note: Sometimes the docker image doesn't spin down, and thus, doesn't start up again correctly. Run docker-compose down && docker-compose up to try again.

Run Orbit

  1. Download orbit

  2. Run npm install in orbit repo

  3. Run npm run local to start the app.

  4. Go to http://localhost:5000/ to access the app

How it's built

Orbit is a React app built with Apollo graphql.

Component Library

Orbit's component library is designed with atomic principles.

Each component is a self-contained folder with related files:



src/instruments are all the composable 'atoms' of the app, organized by type. These can be imported into any component, eg:

import { TextField, Link, H1 } from 'instruments'

Any new instruments must be added to src/instruments/index.js.


src/modules contains the primary modules within the app. Each module has a single Data folder for the api calls (mutations and queries) for that data type. As well as a variety of "molecule" components that make up that module.


Styles are defined as classes (ie not css-in-js) attached to each component using CSS Modules to avoid name/scope conflicts (each class gets renamed on build). Defining styles at the instrument level often means that when composed at the module level, no additional styles are needed—most components can simply be dropped in.

All styles are defined in Sass. Though outside of color variables, few mixins or other more advanced Sass features are necessary.

Each component includes a className prop that enables styles passed down to any children components.


Orbit and Houston use Apollo graphql to manage all API calls.

In Orbit, modules/api/fragments.js contains all the app's defined data types. These fragments are imported into specific gql mutations and queries for each module (eg. modules/deployments/Data/api.js).

Then, api.js containing gql documents is imported into a query HOC deployments/Data/index.js or a mutation HOC deployments/Data/Update.js defined specifically for a single call on that data type, and used wherever that call is wanted.

import Data from 'modules/deployments/Data'

const ListDeployments = ({ deployments }) => {

export default Data(ListDeployments)

A couple things to note:

  • Variables can be passed into the Data HOC's from a parent component( eg. deploymentId). Other props are passed through.
  • Atomic Query Create Delete and a baseline Mutation components are defined as instruments, with preset and configurable functionality for managing Apollo API calls and responses (error handling, cache updating, snackbar messaging, redirects, analytics tracking, etc.) This makes it super easy to define a new query or mutation without wiring up a bunch of stuff everytime.
  • Apollo's query and mutation components use the renderProp pattern (returning a function to render, instead of an element). Wrapping them in Higher Order Components allows for a more consistent component flow throughout the app (Orbit doesn't really use render props elsewhere).


Wherever possible, state is maintained locally within self-contained components.

For global state, Apollo handles all API calls and data caching. With the exception of a few UI elements like modals, all view state is mapped to specific routes maintained in the router (React Router 4), enabling full use of browser actions and url mappings.

React's Context.Provider && Context.Consumer wrapped in HOC's manage the remaining session auth and global UI elements (eg modals, snackbar) cleanly and succintly,.


We use Prettier in combo with Eslint to maintain code quality throughout.

Unit tests (Jest + Enzyme) for each component are lighlty defined as a series of UI snapshots for most instruments, testing significant prop changes when mounted. For more data-intensive components, assertion tests are used to verify the functional shape of data on input/output.

Increasing test coverage is a work in progress.


The original scaffolding comes from Though this has been adapted significantly for Astronomer's needs.

Branch Releases

New releases are tagged v0.3.0 and created from branches release-0.3 to maintain a history of branches for each release (as well as an ability to hotfix).

Development should be done via feature branches off master and PRs to merge back.



React UI for Astronomer



Language:JavaScript 85.8%Language:CSS 13.4%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%