smoh / nbodypp

Final project for APC 524

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Nbodypp is a C++ toolkit for solving collisional N-body dynamics. Please read through this document to use this code.

Directory Structure

  • doc/ documentation is generated here
  • src/ source code
    • vendor/ third-party libs
    • tests/ tests
  • examples/
  • scripts/


Requirements: Nbody++ requires C++11 compiler such as clang version>=3.3 or gcc version>=4.6. To use python scripts in scripts/, you need numpy and matplotlib installed. For which renders OpenGL visualization, you need the development version of vispy.

To obtain a copy of the code, clone this repository.

git clone

To build, change directory to src/ and type make. This will compile nbodypp executable, and the doxygen documentation in doc/.

Getting Started

There are two use cases of the code.

Using nbodypp

If you simply want to solve for the orbits of N-body system under mutual gravity, you can write a configuration file in INI format. Settings are in root section, and each [section] defines the mass and the initial condition (x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) of a particle. You may choose an arbitrary mass, length, and time units by specifying the gravitational constant G. This is an example input file for the circular motion of a test particle (mass = 0).

Radius is only relevant when collision is checked.

; Nbodypp test input configuration file
G = 1.                  ;gravitational constant
timestep = 0.01
tmax = 1
gravity = direct
integrator = euler
output = result.dat

mass = 1
radius = 1
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
vx = 0
vy = 0
vz = 0

mass = 0.
radius =  0.01
x = 1
y = 0
z = 0
vx = 0
vy = 1
vz = 0

To run, do ./nbodypp test.ini and the orbits of each particle will be printed to stdout in the format [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz] * Nparticles for each time step in a line.

Defining your own problem

You can also define your own problem using the library in C++. The same problem above can be solved with the following code.

#include <iostream>
#include "particle.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "leapfrog.h"
#include "constants.h"

double G = 1;    // G must be global

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Particles is an STL vector of `Particle`s
  Particles p ({
    Particle (1., 0.),        // star
    Particle (0., 0.)         // planet
  // All particles are initialized with x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = 0
  p[1].x = 1.;
  p[1].vy = 1.;

  double dt = 0.01;
  double t = 0;
  double tmax = 1.;

  Force force;
  Leapfrog integrator (dt, force);
  print_particles(p, std::cout);
  for (t = 0; t < tmax; t+=dt)
    integrator.step(t, p);
    print_particles(p, std::cout);
  return 0;

You need a Makefile to make the problem.

CFLAGS=-Wall -O3 -std=c++0x $(INCDIR)

.PHONY: all clean

all: circular

	$(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^

circular : $(addprefix ../../src/, particle.o force_direct.o leapfrog.o) circular.o
	$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^

	-rm -rf *.o circular
  • You can also add non-gravitational forces by writing functions that changes ax, ay, az of particles, and adding them to Force class. These functions should take Particles& and return void. For example, to add a drag force in the opposite direction of particles' velocity,
void dragforce(Particles &particles) {
  for (auto &p : particles) { -= p.vx
    p.ay -= p.vy -= p.vz

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  Particles p (50, Particle(0, 0));  // vector of 50 Particles
  Force force;
  Leapfrog integrator (dt, force);

Copy and modify the examples/template which contains boilerplate problem and makefile to write your own.

Also check out examples/ for more.

Visualizing the results

We provide two simple python scripts to quickly visualize the orbits of the particles in scripts/.

  • simply plots particles' orbit on x-y, y-z, x-z plane using matplotlib.
  • uses vispy, a high-level python interface to OpenGL, to render 3D visualization of particles' movement. Note that you need the development version of vispy.


  • solarsystem : inner planets of the Solar system. Both input file and the problem source code is included.
  • dragforce : external velocity-dependent drag force slows down the particle
  • earthmoon : Sun's gravity is added in as an external force
  • plummer : self-gravity of a plummer sphere
  • resoscatter : binary-single interaction


To run tests, first make runtest in src, and do runtest.

make runtest

The tests are categorized by their tags: particle, force, integrator, and collision. To run the tests with certian tags, specify as ./runtest "[tag]". To list all tests, do ./runtest -l.


For more details of each classes and functions, see doxygen documentation. You need doxygen to generate documentation. In the src, do make doc, and documentation files will be generated in doc.


Final project for APC 524


Language:C++ 86.7%Language:Python 7.4%Language:Makefile 4.3%Language:C 1.4%Language:Shell 0.1%