smoe / dbus-mqtt

Venus OS service mapping the D-Bus on Venus OS to MQTT

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UPDATE 2023-06-09: We're working hard to retire dbus-mqtt, in favor of dbus-flashmq. Details here: victronenergy/venus#1098.

A python application that publishes values from the D-Bus to an MQTT broker. The script also supports requests from the MQTT broker to change values on the local D-Bus.

This application runs as a service on Venus OS. By default it is disabled. To enable, go to Settings -> Services -> MQTT on the menus of the GX device.

By default, dbus-mqtt will connect to a Mosquitto MQTT broker running on the GX Device itself. The broker is accessible on the local network at TCP port 1883. Furthermore the broker is configured to forward all communication to the central Victron MQTT broker (see the broker URL section for the Victron MQTT broker URL), which allows you to monitor and control your CCGX over the internet. You'll need your VRM credentials to access this broker. See 'Connecting to the Victron MQTT server' below.


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Starting from CCGX version 1.70, dbus-mqtt is installed by default, but is not enabled. You can enable it in Settings->Services.


When a value on the D-Bus changes, the script will send a message to the broker. The MQTT topic looks like this:

N/<portal ID>/<service_type>/<device instance>/<D-Bus path>
  • Portal ID is the VRM portal ID associated with the CCGX. You can find the portal ID on the CCGX in Settings->VRM online portal->VRM Portal ID. On the VRM portal itself, you can find the ID in Settings tab.
  • Service type is the part of the D-Bus service name that describes the service.
  • Device instance is a number used to make all services of the same type unique (this value is published on the D-Bus as /DeviceInstance).

The payload of the D-Bus value is wrapped in a dictionary and converted to json. The messages are retained by the broker, so if you subscribe to the broker you'll always get the last message for each subscribed topic.

Example: Suppose we have a PV inverter, which reports a total AC power of 936W. The topic of the MQTT message would be:

Topic: N/e0ff50a097c0/pvinverter/20/Ac/Power
Payload: {"value": 936}

The value 20 in the topic is the device instance which may be different on other systems.

There are 2 special cases.

  • A D-Bus value may be invalid. This happens with values that are not always present. For example: a single phase PV inverter will not provide a power value on phase 2. So /Ac/L2/Power is invalid. In that case the payload of the MQTT message will be {"value": null}.
  • A device may disappear from the D-Bus. For example: most PV inverters shut down at night, causing a communication breakdown. If this happens a notification will be sent for all topics related to the device. The payload will be empty (zero bytes, so no valid JSON). This will force the broker to remove the items from the list of retained topics.

If you want a roundup of all devices connected to the CCGX subscribe to this topic:


This also is a convenient way to find out which device instances are used, which comes in handy when there are multiple devices of the same type present.

If you try this for the first time on your CCGX, you will probably not get any results. Please read the Keep-alive section below to find out why.

Write requests

Write requests can be sent to change values on the D-Bus. The format looks like the notification. Instead of a N, the topic should start with a W. The payload format is identical.

Example: On a Hub-4 system we can change the AC-In setpoint with this message:

Topic: W/e0ff50a097c0/vebus/257/Hub4/L1/AcPowerSetpoint
Payload: {"value": -200}

Important: do not set the retain flag in write requests, because that would cause the request to be repeated each time the MQTT-service connects to the broker.

The device instance (in this case 257) of a service usually depends on the communication port used the connect the device to the CCGX, so it is a good idea to check it before sending write requests. A nice way to do this is by subscribing to the broker using wildcards. For example:


will get you the list of all registered Multis/Quattros (=vebus services) which have published /Hub4/L1/AcPowerSetpoint D-Bus path. You can pick the device instance from the topics in the list.

Read requests

A read request will force the script to send a notification message of a specific D-Bus value. Again the topic is identical to the notification message itself, except that the first character is a 'R'. Wildcards in the topic are not supported. The payload will be ignored (it's best to keep it empty).

Example: To retrieve the AC power of our favorite PV inverter we publish:

Topic: R/e0ff50a097c0/pvinverter/20/Ac/Power
Payload: empty

The script will reply with this message (make sure you subscribe to it):

Topic: N/e0ff50a097c0/pvinverter/20/Ac/Power
Payload: {"value": 926}

Normally you do not need to use read requests, because most values are published automatically as they change. For values that don't change often, most notably settings (com.victronenergy.settings on D-Bus), you will have to use a read request to retrieve the current value.


In order to avoid a lot of traffic to our cloud server, a keep-alive mechanism exists.

Summary (the important bits)

  • To activate keep-alive, send a read request to R/<portal ID>/keepalive. The payload may be blank, or may contain a list of topics of interest. See the next section for details on this.

  • For a simple command to activate keep-alive on a Linux system, see the Notes at the end of this section.

  • Please note that in earlier versions of this software, shipped prior to Venus 2.80, keep-alive worked differently. For details, see the legacy method below.

  • For implementations that need to be backwards compatible, see the section below.

Detailed keepalive behaviour

There are two ways to send a keepalive:

  • (a) Use R/<portal ID>/system/0/Serial when you want all topics to be published all the time. This works both before Venus OS v2.80 and after.
  • (b) Use R/<portal ID>/keepalive when you want to get specific topics only. Note that the fine-grained control over which topics to enable requires Venus OS v2.80 or later. Using the /keepalive path does work for earlier versions, but will result in all topics being published, rather than just a selected subset. You can use this to obtain backwards compatibility across Venus versions.

Using the /keepalive method for selective keep-alives

Using /keepalive allows for fine-grained control. The JSON-encoded payload of the message can specify which topics you are interested in. A syntax similar to MQTT-topic syntax is supported.

The Payload is either empty, or a JSON-encoded list of strings. Each string specifies the item of interest as <service_type>/<device instance>/<D-Bus path>. See the section on Notifications above for information about this.

Any part of the topic-matching string can be replaced with a + to indicate a wildcard. The string may end with a # which indicates that all trailing parts are accepted.

As an example, if you want all vebus related information, as well as the voltage readings from the solarchargers, the keepalive would look like this:

Topic: R/e0ff50a097c0/keepalive
Payload: ["vebus/#", "solarcharger/+/Dc/0/Voltage"]

An empty payload causes all items to be forwarded from dbus to mqtt. This could cause thousands of topics to be created and is not advised in production.

Using the system/0/Serial method

This is the de-facto method used in earlier versions of this software. Although keepalive was activated by any read request, most people simple requested the system serial as a simple shortcut for doing keep-alive.

This method is retained for backwards compatibility. As in the past, this causes thousands of items to be forwarded from dbus to MQTT, and is now discouraged.

To keep notifications running using this method, simply send a read request for the system serial periodically, for example:

Topic: R/e0ff50a097c0/system/0/Serial
Payload: empty

Backwards compatibility

Older versions of dbus-mqtt (prior to Venus 2.80) will also activate keep-alive when requesting /keepalive. There is therefore no need to detect support for this feature. New implementations can simply switch to using /keepalive.

Older versions will ignore the payload and send everything.

If you need to detect support for /keepalive for whatever reason, look for the existence of the topic N/<portal ID>/keepalive.

Keepalive timeout

The default keep-alive interval is 60 seconds. If a keep-alive is not received within that 60-second interval, notifications will be stopped until another keepalive is received.

On a keep-alive timeout, all retained values will be removed from the broker by publishing an empty payload. Subscriptions will yield no result when the keep-alive is not active.

There is one exception to this rule: N/<portal ID>/system/0/Serial and N/<portal ID/keepalive is always published and never removed from the broker. This allows easily detecting the serial number of the installation(s).


An easy way to send a periodic keep-alive message without having to do it manually is to run this command in a separate session and/or terminal window:

while :; do mosquitto_pub  -h -m '' -t 'R/e0ff50a097c0/keepalive'; sleep 5; done

You will need to install the mosquitto client package. On a Debian or Ubuntu system this can be done with:

sudo apt-get install mosquitto_clients

Connecting to the Victron MQTT server

If the MQTT service is enabled, the CCGX will forward all notifications from the CCGX to the Victron MQTT server (see the broker URL section for the correct URL). All communication is encrypted using SSL. You can connect to the MQTT server using your VRM credentials and subscribe to the notifications sent by your CCGX. It is also possible to send read and write requests to the CCGX. You can only receive notifications from systems in your own VRM site list, and to send write requests you need the 'Full Control' permission. This is the default is you have registered the system yourself. The 'Monitor Only' permission allows subscription to notifications only (read only access).

A convenient way to test this is using the mosquitto_sub tool, which is part of Mosquitto (on debian linux you need to install the mosquitto-clients package).

Note: because of this security advisory, the client ID and username can't contain the +, # or / characters. Mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub auto-generate the client ID with a / in it, so they need to be overridden. The -I myclient_ takes care of that.

This command will get you the total system consumption:

mosquitto_sub -v -I myclient_ -c -t 'N/e0ff50a097c0/system/0/Ac/Consumption/Total/Power' -h <broker_url> -u <email> -P <passwd> --cafile venus-ca.crt -p 8883

If you want to see all the MQTT traffic, subscribe to the topic '#'.

You may need the full path to the cert file. On the CCGX it is in /etc/ssl/certs/ccgx-ca.pem. You can also find the certificate in this repository as venus-ca.crt.

In case you do not receive the value you expect, please read the keep-alive section.

If you have Full Control permissions on the VRM site, write requests will also be processed. For example:

mosquitto_pub -I myclient_ -t 'W/e0ff50a097c0/hub4/0/AcPowerSetpoint' -m '{"value":-100}' -h <broker_url> -u <email> -P <passwd> --cafile venus-ca.crt -p 8883

Again: do not set the retain flag when sending write requests.

Determining the broker URL for a given installation

To allow broker scaling, each installation connects to one of 128 available broker hostnames. To determine the hostname of the broker for an installation, you can either request it from the VRM API, or use an alghorithm.

For the VRM API, see the documentation for listing a user's installations. Each site has a field mqtt_webhost and mqtt_host. Be sure to add ?extended=1 to the API URL. So, for instance:<myuserid>/installations?extended=1.

If it's preferred to calculate it yourself, you can use this alghorithm:

  • the ord() value of each charachter of the VRM portal ID should be summed.
  • the modulo of the sum and 128 determines the broker index number
  • the broker URL then is: mqtt<broker_index>, e.g.:
  • the same goes for the websocket host: webmqtt<broker_index>

An example implementation of this algorithm in Python is:

def _get_vrm_broker_url(self):
    sum = 0
    for character in self._system_id.lower().strip():
        sum += ord(character)
    broker_index = sum % 128
    return "mqtt{}".format(broker_index)


Venus OS service mapping the D-Bus on Venus OS to MQTT

License:MIT License


Language:Python 96.3%Language:Makefile 3.7%