smndhm / lcs-cnvs

Generatives from Lucas drawing

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Lucas drawing

At first, the idea was to generate something close to Lucas's drawing.
I've tried several approaches to get there, but as the results where interesting I kept them.


#1 Add vertex and draw triangle with closest vertices

20 vertices 2000 vertices

#2 Add all vertices and then for each vertex draw triangle with closest vertices

20 vertices 2000 vertices

#3 Add vertex close to vertices zone and draw triangle with closest vertices

20 vertices 2000 vertices


Since I couldn't find a way to get there I did research and find out Delaunay triangulation and then this script.

20 vertices 2000 vertices

Even if Lucas's drawing wasn't only based on triangles, this is really what I tried to get. And I have its validation ;)


The API can be used in script in Browser or with Node.js.
For Node.js, your project require jsdom and canvas.


First, we need to set a canvas:


const canvasSettings = {
  width: 2100,
  height: 2970,
  padding: 100, // padding can be negative
  fill: "#ffffff" // background color

const mySheet = new LcsCnvs();


And now we can draw:









By changing the polygon settings, outputs can be very differents.

Here is a polygon setting example:

  color: ["#1F90FF", "#1CE867", "#FBFF2C", "#E8941C", "#FF2B31"] // if color is an Array, a color will be randomly used
  blendingMode: "multiply",
  line: {
    color: {
      // line color
      "0": "#ff0000", // if color is an Object, it will be a gradient
      "0.5": "#00ff00",
      "1": "#0000ff" // from 0 to 1
    width: 5, // 0 to remove border
    cap: "square",
    join: "round"
  vertex: {
    nb: 12000, // number of vertex
    distance: 5, // maximum vertex distance from vertice area (only used for the drawTriangleAround method)
    onPixel: true // used if you don't wan't vertex on loaded image, need a transparent background


And then, in your browser, display result:

.append(querySelector[, delay])

delay option will create an animation displaying polygons one after one.

mySheet.append("body", 100);

Or export file with Node.js:


By default, exported files will go to output/${timestamp}.png

const exportSettings = {
  allFrames: true, // export each frames after adding polygons
  fill: "#ffffff", // background color
  path: "export", // export folder
  filename: "blu" // export filename


// files will export to 'export/blu-${timestamp}.png'

allFrames option will export all the frames after a new polygon is added.
You can use this option to generate video using FFMpeg:

ffmpeg -framerate 33  -pattern_type glob -i 'output/*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -filter:v fps=fps=30 output/gif.mp4

Or a gif using Convert from ImageMagick:

convert output/*.png output/polygons.gif
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5


Because I had to use those generative for Daron Crew artworks, I added this extra method:


const imageSettings = {
  src: "./img/daron-crew.svg", // path to image
  width: 1520 // desired width (height is calculated)

mySheet.addImage(imageSettings).then(sheet => {

The image will be vertically and horizontally centered.

There is also a dedicated polygon parameter: onPixel. If defined, it will condition if vertex must be positionned on used pixel (true) or not (false). Must be used on a canvas without background.

onPixel: undefined onPixel: false onPixel: true


Here some code examples and Here a demo.


No jealous, I have to take a look at the drawing of the brother...


Generatives from Lucas drawing


Language:JavaScript 100.0%