smlynch / odata-query

OData v4 query builder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


OData v4 query builder that uses a simple object-based syntax similar to MongoDB and js-data


yarn add odata-query


npm install --save odata-query

and then use the library

import buildQuery from 'odata-query'

const query = buildQuery({...})

where the query object syntax for {...} is defined below. There is also react-odata which utilizies this library for a declarative React component.


See tests for examples as well


buildQuery({ filter: {...} })
=> '?$filter=...'

Simple filter

const filter = { PropName: 1 };
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=PropName eq 1'

Comparison operators

const filter = { PropName: { gt: 5 } };
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=PropName gt 5'

Supported operators: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, in

Logical operators

// `and` implied by using an array
const filter = [{ SomeProp: 1 }, { AnotherProp: 2 }, 'startswith(Name, "foo")'];

// or you can be explicit
const filter = {
  and: [
    { SomeProp: 1 },
    { AnotherProp: 2 },
    'startswith(Name, "foo")'
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=SomeProp eq 1 and AnotherProp eq 2 and startswith(Name, "foo")'

Supported operators: and, or

Collection operators

Implied and

Using an object

const filter = {
  ItemsProp: {
    any: {
      SomeProp: 1,
      AnotherProp: 2
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=ItemsProp/any(i:i/SomeProp eq 1 and i/AnotherProp eq 2)'

or also as an array of object

const filter = {
  ItemsProp: {
    any: [
      { SomeProp: 1 },
      { AnotherProp: 2},
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=ItemsProp/any(i:i/SomeProp eq 1 and i/AnotherProp eq 2)'
Specify logical operator (and, or)
const filter = {
  ItemsProp: {
    any: {
      or: [
        { SomeProp: 1 },
        { AnotherProp: 2},
buildQuery({ filter })
=> '?$filter=ItemsProp/any(i:(i/SomeProp eq 1 or i/AnotherProp eq 2)'

Supported operators: any, all


String functions returning boolean
const filter = { PropName: { contains: 'foo' } };
buildQuery({ filter })
=> "$filter=contains(PropName, 'foo')"

Supported operators: startswith, endswith, contains

Functions returning non-boolean values (string, int)
const filter = { 'length(PropName)': { gt: 10 } };
buildQuery({ filter })
=> "$filter=length(PropName) gt 10"

Supported operators: length, tolower, toupper, trim, day, month, year, hour, minute, second, round, floor, ceiling

Functions returning non-boolean values (string, int) with parameters
const filter = { "indexof(PropName, 'foo')": { eq: 3 } };
buildQuery({ filter })
=> "$filter=indexof(PropName, 'foo') eq 3"

Supported operators: indexof, substring

Data types

Coming soon


A string can also be passed as the value of the filter and it will be taken as is. This can be useful when using something like odata-filter-builder or if you want to just write the OData filter sytnax yourself but use the other benefits of the library, such as groupBy, expand, etc.

import f from 'odata-filter-builder';

const filter = f().eq('TypeId', '1')
                  .contains(x => x.toLower('Name'), 'a')
buildQuery({ filter })


const select = ['Foo', 'Bar'];
buildQuery({ select })
=> '?$select=Foo,Bar'


const orderBy = ['Foo desc', 'Bar'];
buildQuery({ orderBy })
=> '?$orderby=Foo desc,Bar'


Coming soon

Pagination (skip and top)

Get page 3 (25 records per page)

const page = 3;
const perPage = 25;
const top = perPage;
const skip = perPage * (page - 1);
buildQuery({ top, skip })
=> '?$top=25&$skip=50'


Include count inline with result

const count = true;
buildQuery({ count })
=> '?$count=true'

Or you can return only the count by passing the a filter object to count

const count = { PropName: 1 }
const query = buildQuery({ count })
=> '/$count?PropName eq 1'

Grouping / aggregation

Coming soon


OData v4 query builder

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%