smith961 / python-p3-cartoon-collections-lab

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Cartoon Collections Lab

Learning Goals

  • Get practice iterating through lists
  • Build functions and control their return values.

Key Vocab

  • Interpreter: a program that executes other programs. Python programs require the Python interpreter to be installed on your computer so that they can be run.
  • Python Shell: an interactive interpreter that can be accessed from the command line.
  • Data Type: a specific kind of data. The Python interpreter uses these types to determine which actions can be performed on different data items.
  • Exception: a type of error that can be predicted and handled without causing a program to crash.
  • Code Block: a collection of code that is interpreted together. Python groups code blocks by indentation level.
  • Function: a named code block that performs a sequence of actions when it is called.
  • Scope: the area in your program where a specific variable can be called.


To get started, run pipenv install to create your virtual environment and pipenv shell to enter the virtual environment. Then run pytest -x to run your tests. Use these instructions and pytest's error messages to complete your work in the lib/ folder.

There are four functions to complete in this lab:

  1. roll_call_dwarves()
  2. summon_captain_planet()
  3. long_planeteer_calls()
  4. find_the_cheese()



This function should accept a list of dwarf names, for instance:

["Doc", "Dopey", "Bashful", "Grumpy"]

It should then print out each name, in number order, using print. The print-out should look like this:

1. Doc
2. Dopey
3. Bashful
4. Grumpy



This function should accept a list of planeteer calls as an argument, e.g.:

planeteer_calls = ["earth", "wind", "fire", "water", "heart"]

It should then capitalize each element and add an exclamation point at the end. The return value of this function should be a list, as in this example:

#=> ["Earth!", "Wind!", "Fire!", "Water!", "Heart!"]

Hint: You may want to review list comprehension for this one.


The long_planeteer_calls() function should accept a list of calls as an argument. The function should tell us if any of the calls are longer than four characters. For example:

short_words = ["puff", "go", "two"]
#=> False

assorted_words = ["two", "go", "industrious", "bop"]
#=> True

Notice the return value of this function is either True or False, depending on the list it was given as an argument.



The find_the_cheese() function should accept a list of strings. It should then look through these strings to find and return the first string that is a type of cheese. The types of cheese that appear are "cheddar", "gouda", and "camembert".

For example:

snacks = ["crackers", "gouda", "thyme"]
#=> "gouda"

soup = ["tomato soup", "cheddar", "oyster crackers", "gouda"]
#=> "cheddar"

If, sadly, a list of ingredients does not include cheese, return None:

ingredients = ["garlic", "rosemary", "bread"]
#=> None

You can assume that all strings will be lowercase. Take a look at the in keyword for a hint. This function asks you to return a string value instead of printing it so keep that in mind.





Language:Python 100.0%