smheidrich / non-go-terraform-provider-assessment

How difficult is it to write a Terraform provider in a language other than Go?

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⚠️ NOTE: There are some non-Go implementations after all! Skip to the Implementations section at the end to find out more.

How difficult is it to write a Terraform provider in a language other than Go?

Terraform's documentation on writing new providers states:

Go is currently the only programming language supported by HashiCorp for building Terraform providers. [...] While it is possible to write a non-Go provider, thanks to Terraform's use of the gRPC protocol, it is harder than it may appear at first glance. Multiple packages, from encoders and decoders to Terraform's type system, would all need to be reimplemented in that new language. The Terraform Plugin Framework would also need to be reimplemented, which is not a trivial challenge. And the way non-Go providers would interact with the Registry, terraform init, and other pieces of the Terraform ecosystem is unclear.

This document is meant to elucidate in more detail what exactly these challenges involve and how one could make progress.

To this end, what follows is a description of how Terraform discovers and interacts with providers, accompanied by some notes on how the interfaces in question could be implemented in different languages and what difficulties or uncertainties there are. The focus is on scripting languages like Python, not so much on Go-like single-binary-producing languages like C or Rust (which would be easier to write providers in, as will be shown below).

Plugin installation & discovery

Installing plugins

Users of Terraform request that Terraform load certain providers by putting provider requirements in their Terraform files. During terraform init, Terraform attempts to download them from the official registry, although private registries can be used instead. During provider development, one should specify Development Overrides in one's Terraform CLI config instead.

Non-Go difficulties: 😏 I can't see any, because even though Terraform's docs warn that providers interact with the registry, this doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe they were actually referring to the issues in the next section, which relate to the contents of what gets downloaded from there.

Finding plugin executables

Normal plugins that are written in Go come in the shape of a single executable inside a folder specifying the provider it belongs to and its version and architecture. There are typically some other files like the license or a changelog, and I think one could put any number of files in a plugin package, although I'm not 100% sure.

At the beginning of commands like terraform apply, Terraform finds the executable based only on the name, architecture and version as reflected in the folder names and filename.

The executable can be an ELF file, a bash script, or anything else that's, well, executable.

Non-Go difficulties: 😟 Due to the single-executable model, Terraform's registry has no concept of providers having dependencies of their own. This presents a problem for providers written in scripting languages, which require an interpreter and library dependencies to run. Our options are to either a) require the user to install any such dependencies themselves before using the provider, b) ship the interpreter and libraries with the provider, c) make the provider perform the installation when it first starts, or d) have our own miniature package manager, which users will need to install and execute before using our providers. Personally, I favor (d) as the least-bad option, because (a) is uncomfortable for the user, (b) is bloated and uncomfortable for users with slow internet, and finally (c) is not only annoying for users who want to be confident that they'll be able to work offline after installation, but it's also difficult to communicate a download is happening during provider startup, as will be clear from the next section.

Launching & communicating with plugins

Terraform plugins (= providers, for now1) are launched by and communicate with Terraform Core (= the command-line app) using a variant of the RPCPlugin "protocol".23 The reference implementation of this protocol is the go-plugin Go package. I don't know of any other implementations (hence the need for this document).

The diagram below gives an overview over what happens when Terraform launches and communicates with a plugin. The individual steps are explained in more detail in this section.

Sequence diagram

Step 1: Launching plugin executable, passing client cert (handshake start)

Having found a plugin executable, Terraform launches it as a subprocess. The first bit of communication (part of what the RPCPlugin calls the handshake) takes place at this point, as Terraform places a temporary certificate (to be used for TLS in step 3) inside the PLUGIN_CLIENT_CERT environment variable of the subprocess's execution environment.

Non-Go difficulties: 😌 None. Any language can retrieve environment variables.

Step 2: Handshake response from plugin on stdout

At this stage, the launched plugin executable can communicate with Terraform Core by writing to standard output, but Terraform Core will read at most 1 line of this before either aborting or proceeding with the next step.

In case of irrecoverable error: Write message to the user

If something is wrong and the plugin has to abort anyway, it is possible to pass a 1-line message explaining the situation to the user by writing something that doesn't follow the message format described in the next section to standard output. Terraform will print it to its CLI, writing that it's an "unrecognized remote plugin message" (so this is a bit of a hack and not a channel that was designed for this purpose).

Standard error is completely ignored and not passed through to the user, so the above method is the only one I know of to communicate with the user at this stage.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ˜ƒ None, and in fact, being able to pass a message using nothing but writing to stdout means that things like a check for whether the dependencies necessary to launch our provider are installed can be written as a simple shell script. Even the download and installation of these dependencies could in theory happen here (option (c) above), but as has just been shown, we wouldn't be able to communicate that this is happening to the user without crashing the process.

If everything is OK: Valid handshake response

If things look OK and the plugin can proceed, it should ensure its RPC server is running (explained in the next step) and write a line in the following format to its standard output:


1 is the handshake version (fixed), 6 is the latest protocol version as of 2023 (see protobuf files), tcp is self-explanatory, is the address and port that the plugin's RPC server is listening on (can be chosen freely) and grpc specifies the RPC protocol (a legacy option here is NetRPC, but gRPC should be used for new plugins).

$SERVER_CERT should be replaced by a temporary certificate, ideally adhering to RPCPlugin's certificate requirements (although in my testing most of them weren't actually required), in the format described in the RPCPlugin spec, and with the necessary changes for go-plugin compatibility applied (i.e., no base64 padding, which can be achieved by adding dummy data to text fields). This certificate will be used for TLS (see next step).

πŸ›ˆ It should be pointed out that if the final |$SERVER_CERT is left out, Terraform will merrily try to connect to the plugin's RPC server anyway, initiating a TLS handshake as normal. I don't think this is meaningful as Google's gRPC library doesn't even support receiving TLS requests if a server certificate hasn't been provided4 (see next section). If one could get around this, it would likely fail down the line, so the certificate should be provided no matter what (this is also what the RPCPlugin spec proscribes if a client cert is provided in the env var).

After printing the handshake response, the child process must keep running until killed by Terraform, otherwise the latter will report an error and exit.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ™‚ The format of the response is simple enough that it could also be produced by a shell script, although there probably wouldn't be a point in doing so, because at the time when the response is sent, the full provider must be up and running anyway. Also, generating a certificate, while possible using e.g. the openssl CLI tool, is probably a bit annoying to do in a shell script. Certainly, the certificate and response will be very simple for a proper scripting language like Python and the necessary cryptography depdendencies to produce, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Step 3: gRPC communication

Terraform connects to the address provided above as a gRPC client. The other end, managed by the plugin, should be a gRPC server implementing the latest tfplugin* protobuf spec.


As already mentioned, Terraform will always attempt a gRPC connection secured by TLS (hence the exchange of certificates before) and the gRPC server must be explicitly instructed45 to handle this, as the default behavior of Google's gRPC Python library is to reject such requests without even writing anything to the server logs / output (but the issue can be made visible by setting the GRPC_TRACE=all GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG env vars6 on the server side and comparing the request bytes to a TLS handshake).

Non-Go difficulties: 😌 There shouldn't be any because Google's gRPC library takes care of it.

Health checking service

According to an older document7, the plugin's gRPC server must also provide a gRPC health checking service that Terraform can query. This may or may not be true (other parts of that document are definitely outdated, e.g. the lack of certificate in the handshake response), but it can't hurt.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ™‚ There shouldn't be any. For some reason their docs don't link to the actual, official packages that implement this service; for Python, it's grpcio-health-checking and there exists a usage example.

gRPC / protobuf communication: Control / extra features

Not mentioned in the RPCPlugin spec but present in its reference implementation go-plugin are certain RPC calls that the client can use to control the server and/or which provide some advanced features. These have their own protobuf specs in the go-plugin repo.

As far as I can tell, these are optional and only serve to allow for nice to have but not required features like graceful shutdown (explained in more detail further below) or stdio forwarding.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ™‚ None that I can see.

gRPC / protobuf communication: Provider data

Finally we are ready for gRPC communication pertaining to the provider's actual functions, which follows the format of the (provider) protobuf specs already mentioned above.

Terraform's docs come with a nice, human-readable overview over the RPC calls, which helpfully also lists which Terraform CLI commands trigger them.

More details on the meaning of each field can be found in the terraform-plugin-go docs.

From experimentation, it turns out that that some of them that seem like they should be triggered by mere inclusion of a provider in a project, e.g. provider schema validation, are in fact only triggered if a provider is actually used by resources or data sources in the current Terraform project.

Non-Go difficulties: 😸 None, but wait for it.

Special protobuf fields

... sike! The protobuf specs contain fields of type DynamicValue, which are central to the provider's functioning and represent JSON or msgpack-encoded data that must adhere to a certain format but isn't described in the protobuf files.2 There is a spec for these in Terraform's main repo. Other than that, the implementation of the marshalling/unmarshalling methods and further usage in Terraform's source code might be useful, too.

Relatedly, schema attributes returned by providers contain a type field whose protobuf type is just bytes. How to (de)serialize these to represent a type is also explained in the spec mentioned above.

The spec mentions that a provider must support deserializing either JSON or msgpack-encoded DynamicValues, but should always produce them in msgpack format itself, although in the Terraform Core implementation, type seems to always get deserialized from JSON.

Non-Go difficulties: 😨 This could be difficult or a lot of effort, although I haven't looked into the exact format enough to see how.

Step 4: Higher-level stuff

This part I'm not so sure about, but I guess there are higher-level rules for how a provider must behave that also don't really have a spec. Perhaps the implementation and documentation for Terraform's Plugin Framework will have some/most of the info.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ˜– This also seems like it could be difficult, although it might be more amenable to trial-and-error debugging than the preceding lower-level parts of the protocol.

Step 5: Termination

Graceful shutdown

The RPCPlugin reference implementation (go-plugin) contains a graceful plugin shutdown mechanism not mentioned in the spec. The client triggers this on the server by making a plugin.ShutDown gRPC call, which is part of the "control" protobuf spec mentioned further above. If the server doesn't shut down within a short time period, the non-graceful shutdown explained in the next section will be attempted instead.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ˜‰ Shouldn't be any, but make sure to also implement proper handling of the non-graceful shutdown because the timeout is fairly short.

RPCPlugin spec termination (SIGKILL)

The RPCPlugin spec specifies that clients stop servers by SIGKILLing them. This may only happen when no RPC calls are still running and means that, during such times, the provider must not perform any operations that mess things up when suddenly interrupted.

There is another consequence relevant for providers launched by e.g. a shell script: SIGKILL kills a process but not its children, so in this case, it would kill the shell script's process but not the actual provider process. Experimentation has shown that Terraform then waits indefinitely for the children to terminate, which never happens unless special arrangements are made to handle this situation. There are multiple ways to let a child process terminate when its parent gets killed, the easiest of which is probably to let it retrieve its parent process ID periodically (getppid() on POSIX) and terminate when it has changed.

Non-Go difficulties: πŸ™„ Having to implement special handling for the parent-SIGKILL issue is annoying and wouldn't be necessary if the client implementation was more robust. But it's not that difficult: getppid should be available in most languages, e.g. Python's standard library comes with os.getppid.



You won't get anywhere without the TF_LOG=debug and TF_LOG=trace env var settings, which make the Terraform CLI print out more detailed information about what is happening as it communicates with the provider.

In particular, both will log the provider's stderr messages which are otherwise swallowed, and trace will log which RPC calls are being made to the provider.


To debug the provider-side gRPC, the GRPC_TRACE=all GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG env vars were already mentioned. If your provider is launched by Terraform and not started manually in a separate terminal for debugging, you'll also have to set TF_LOG=debug or TF_LOG=trace to let Terraform forward this output to its own console logs. Note that the output is very verbose, so this only makes sense to use for difficult, lower-level gRPC issues.

Issues that may occur

  • If Terraform Core crashes while the provider is running, the latter might not terminate, which will lead to hard-to-debug issues caused by it still listening on its port. Weirdly, the gRPC listener set up by the next launch doesn't fail due to "port already in use" as one would expect. I have no idea how exactly that can happen, but killing the orphaned provider processes fixed it.

Implementations (UPDATE)

Since I wrote this, two things have happened:

  • I started working on a library for writing Terraform providers in Python, tfprovider-python, plus a tool to package and launch such providers, terradep-python. Unfortunately, as of February 2024, neither of these are in a state that makes them sensible for others to use, and I've put work on them on hold for now. For the morbidly curious, I managed to get one small provider to work on my system using these, terraform-provider-github-fine-grained-token (only runs on amd64 Linux machines).
  • After a lot of work on the above, I did find someone else had already written a prototype provider in Rust, terraform-provider-helloworld. I haven't really looked into it but expect it's far cleaner than what I wrote.

Miscellaneous resources

TODO incorporate these into text / footnotes


  1. Terraform docs: Plugin development overview ↩

  2. HashiCorp employee's forum post about plugin protocol and issues (from the other direction though, as the question is about implementing a client) ↩ ↩2

  3. "Protocol" is in quotes because unlike typical protocols, it specifies not just message formats and sequences but also the modalities of how plugins are to be launched. Moreover, it spans 3 different communication channels (env vars, stdin/stdout, and local socket connections) which are all necessary for its basic operation. ↩

  4. gRPC docs: add_secure_port ↩ ↩2

  5. gRPC docs: Create Server Credentials ↩

  6. gRPC logging info in Chromium docs ↩

  7. Older document on writing non-Go plugins ↩


How difficult is it to write a Terraform provider in a language other than Go?