smcguinness / delighted-node

Delighted API Node Client

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Delighted API Node Client

Official Node.js client for the Delighted API.

Note: This is intended for server-side use only and does not support client-side JavaScript.


Run npm install delighted --save to install.


To get started, you need to require the client and configure it with your secret API key. You can require, configure and initialize the client in one go:

var delighted = require('delighted')('YOUR_API_KEY');

For further options, read the advanced configuration section.

Note: Your API key is secret, and you should treat it like a password. You can find your API key in your Delighted account, under Settings > API.


All resources can be accessed directly off of the delighted instance we created above. All actions immediately return a promise. In this initial example we'll create a person and log out their attributes when the promise resolves (finishes):

var params = {
  email: '',
  name:  'Jony Appleseed',
  delay: 86400

delighted.person.create(params).then(function(person) {

Previously subscribed people can be unsubscribed:

delighted.unsubscribe.create({ person_email: '' });

Get a paginated list of people who have unsubscribed:

delighted.unsubscribe.all({ page: 2}).then(function(responses) {
  responses.length; // => 20

Get a paginated list of people whose emails have bounced:

delighted.bounce.all({ page: 2}).then(function(responses) {
  responses.length; // => 20

Pending survey requests can be deleted:

delighted.surveyRequest.deletePending({ person_email: '' });

Responses can be created for somebody using their id. Note that the id is not the same as their email:

delighted.surveyResponse.create({ person:, score: 10 });

Get a paginated list of all responses:

delighted.surveyResponse.all({ page: 2 }).then(function(responses) {
  responses.length; // => 20

Retrieve summary metrics of all responses:


Rate limits

If a request is rate limited, a DelightedError error is raised with a type of TooManyRequestsError. You can handle that error to implement exponential backoff or retry strategies. The error object provides a .retry_after property to tell you how many seconds you should wait before retrying. For example:

  function(metrics) { ... },
  function(error) {
    if (error.type === 'TooManyRequestsError') { // rate limited
      var retryAfterSeconds = error.retryAfter;
      // wait for retryAfterSeconds before retrying
      // add your retry strategy here ...
    } else {
      // some other type of error

Advanced configuration & testing

All of the connection details can be configured through the delighted constructor, primarily for testing purposes. The available configuration options are:

  • host – defaults to
  • port – defaults to 443
  • base – defaults to /v1
  • headers – defaults to specifying application/json for Accept and Content-Type and sets User-Agent to identify the Delighted API Node Client and version.
  • scheme – defaults to https

Testing with real requests against a mock server is the easiest way to integration test your application. For convenience, and our own testing, a test server is provided with the delighted package. Below is an example of testing the person resource within an application:

var delighted  = require('delighted');
var mockServer = require('delighted/server');
var instance   = delighted('DUMMY_API_KEY', {
  host:   'localhost',
  port:   5678,
  base:   '',
  scheme: 'http'

var mapping = {
  'POST /v1/people': {
    status: 201,
    body: { id: "1", email: '', name: null, survey_scheduled_at: 1490298348 }

var server = mockServer(5678, mapping);

Setting up the server only requires a port and a mapping. The mapping should match an exact endpoint and will send back a JSON body with the specified status code. With the server running you can then make a request:

instance.person.create({ email: '' }).then(
  function(person) {
    console.log(person.survey_scheduled_at); //=> 1490298348
  function(error) {
    console.log(error.type); //=> ResourceValidationError

When you are done reading responses from the server, be sure to close it.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Run the tests (npm run-script test)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request


  1. Decide on the new version number (let's call it x).
  2. Update with notes about the new version's changes.
  3. Update the version number in lib/Delighted.js and package.json and create a git tag for the version number (use git tag -l to check the format).
  4. Commit your changes to git and push the tag.
  5. Run npm publish --tag next to upload a pre-release to the NPM package registry, use npm publish --tag latest to upload the final release


Originally by Sean McGary. Graciously transfered and now officially maintained by Delighted.


Delighted API Node Client

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%