smaroukis / shared-learning-arduino

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Update

This shared learning project was completed on 11/10/2022 and will no longer be updated by the original author unless pull requests are submitted.

The next project building on these skills (home automation and a weather station via mqtt and esp32) is located at

Concepts Covered:

Project Description

This is a shared knowledge project to promote learning about Arduino for beginners, by beginners. It is a collection of interlinked markdown files. At the root level are Topics, you can contribute any learnings to any of these. You can create a Personal folder and page to track and log your progress.

This repo, sometimes called a "vault", is best browsed in a local markdown client like Obsidian, and in fact some features are native to Obsidian, like callouts and embeds, although effort has been made to promote cross-compatibility. If there is a cross-compatibility with your markdown client of choice, feel free to submit an issue to let me know.

See _Start Here to get started.

Example code is in

Also you can post your beginner log on Reddit here:


The original content of this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Other licenses for re-used code are included as required, which supersede the license above.



Language:C++ 91.5%Language:C 8.5%