smalltown / devopsdays_2017

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DevOpsDays Taipei 2017 - Everything As Code

This repository is for demonstrate below items:

  • Jenkins: Pipeline As Code
  • Terraform: Infrastructure As Code
  • CM: Provision As Code
  • Packer: Image As Code
  • Docker: Server As Code
  • Kubernetes: Orchestration As Code
  • Hubot: Chat As Code

If anyone is interested about the ignore topic above, here is the Slide and GitHub Repository for reference ^^

There are three modules need to be setup...


  • Linux Based Machine
  • Docker
  • AWS Account

Jenkins (power by container)

  • Export AWS access key ID, secret access key and region

     ~$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID =XXXXXX
     ~$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
  • Create a AWS S3 bucket as Terraform as backend to store cloud resource state, then export the S3 bucket name

     ~$ export TERRAFORM_BACKEND_S3_BUCKET=${S3 Bucket Name}
  • Execute below command to launch Jenkins

     ~$ ./jenkins.container
     Pull the image: smalltown/devopsdays_2017:jenkins
     jenkins: Pulling from smalltown/devopsdays_2017
     06b22ddb1913: Already exists
     Digest: sha256:3e8e2c1e3dac5d0df8f767c2f73bbbdfbf5872f528efb3ae2c0955e0534da9cf
     Status: Downloaded newer image for smalltown/	devopsdays_2017:jenkins
     Starting Docker Container: smalltown/devopsdays_2017:jenkins:
     Container ID: jenkins-1504540691
     AWS Default Region: us-east-1
     AWS Access Key ID: ********
     AWS Secret Access Key: ********
     Terraform Backend S3 Bucket: ${S3 Bucket Name}
  • Visit from the browser after several minutes

  • Login Jenkins by below account and password

    • Admin Account : devopsdays
    • Admin Password : devopsdays

Terraform (power by Hashicorp)

  • Get the Jenkins container ID, e.g. here is e682b9b8ba03

     ~$ docker ps
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
     e682b9b8ba03        smalltown/devopsdays_2017:jenkins   "/bin/tini -- /usr..."   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes>50000/tcp,>8080/tcp   jenkins-1504540691
  • Enter the container

     ~$ docker exec -it e682b9b8ba03 bash
  • Switch to the Terraform repository folder

     ~$ cd ~/terraform-repo/aws_account/demo/us-east-1/Infrastructure_As_Code
  • Refer to The Document for terraform operation



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