slytton / nodeRequestDemo

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Practice making HTTP requests from node !

Fork and clone this repo then run these commands:

$ npm init --yes
$ npm install --save request

Then in your request.js file

  • The idea here is to make a get request and see what is currently in the api's database.

  • Then make a post request with a new object with your name and a new message.

  • Then make the get request again to confirm that your object was added to the database

  • To run each request, comment one out, then in the terminal run $ node request.js , to run the other just comment the other out and run the file in node again (in the terminal)

var request = require('request');

//try a get request
request.get('', function(err, data){
  if (err) {
  } else {

//try a post request
//this api allows a json object with a name and message property

  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  json: {
    name: 'hacker',
    message: '01001101101'
}, function(error, response, body){
  if(error) {
  } else {
