slvdrog / octokit

Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 API and feeds

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 API.

The Puppeteer by Cameron McEfee)

gem install octokit

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Show a user

=> <#Hashie::Rash blog="" company="Code for America" created_at="2008/05/14 13:36:12 -0700" email="" followers_count=177 following_count=83 gravatar_id="1f74b13f1e5c6c69cb5d7fbaabb1e2cb" id=10308 location="San Francisco" login="sferik" name="Erik Michaels-Ober" permission=nil public_gist_count=16 public_repo_count=30 type="User">

Show who a user follows

=> ["rails", "puls", "wycats", "dhh", "jm3", "joshsusser", "nkallen", "technoweenie", "blaine", "al3x", "defunkt", "schacon", "bmizerany", "rtomayko", "jpr5", "lholden", "140proof", "ephramzerb", "carlhuda", "carllerche", "jnunemaker", "josh", "hoverbird", "jamiew", "jeremyevans", "brynary", "mojodna", "mojombo", "joshbuddy", "igrigorik", "perplexes", "joearasin", "hassox", "nickmarden", "pengwynn", "mmcgrana", "reddavis", "reinh", "mzsanford", "aanand", "pjhyett", "kneath", "tekkub", "adamstac", "timtrueman", "aaronblohowiak", "josevalim", "kaapa", "hurrycane", "jackdempsey", "drogus", "cameronpriest", "danmelton", "marcel", "r", "atmos", "mbleigh", "isaacs", "maxogden", "codeforamerica", "chadk", "laserlemon", "gruber", "lsegal", "bblimke", "wayneeseguin", "brixen", "dkubb", "bhb", "bcardarella", "elliottcable", "fbjork", "mlightner", "dianakimball", "amerine", "danchoi", "develop", "dmfrancisco", "unruthless", "trotter", "hannestyden", "codahale", "ry"]


For convenience, methods that require a repoistory argument may be passed in any of the following forms:

  • "pengwynn/octokit"

  • {:username => "pengwynn", :name => "octokit"}

  • {:username => "pengwynn", :repo => "octokit"}

  • instance of Repository

    Octokit.repo("pengwynn/octokit") => <#Hashie::Rash created_at="2009/12/10 13:41:49 -0800" description="Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 API and feeds" fork=false forks=25 has_downloads=true has_issues=true has_wiki=true homepage="" integrate_branch="master" language="Ruby" name="octokit" open_issues=8 owner="pengwynn" private=false pushed_at="2011/05/05 10:48:57 -0700" size=1804 url="" watchers=92>

For methods that require authentication, you'll need to setup a client with your login and password.

client = => "me", :password => "sekret")

Alternately, you can authenticate with a GitHub OAuth2 token. Note: this is NOT the GitHub API token on your account page.

client = => "me", :oauth_token => "oauth2token")
  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a topic branch.
  3. Implement your feature or bug fix.
  4. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
  5. Run bundle exec rake doc:yard. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 4.
  6. Add specs for your feature or bug fix.
  7. Run bundle exec rake spec. If your changes are not 100% covered, go back to step 6.
  8. Commit and push your changes.
  9. Submit a pull request. Please do not include changes to the version or gemspec. (If you want to create your own version for some reason, please do so in a separate commit.)

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby implementations:

If something doesn't work on one of these interpreters, it should be considered a bug.

This library may inadvertently work (or seem to work) on other Ruby implementations, however support will only be provided for the versions listed above.

If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your implementation, you will be personally responsible for providing patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may be dropped.

Octokit was inspired by Octopi and aims to be a lightweight, less-ActiveResourcey alternative.

Copyright (c) 2011 Wynn Netherland, Adam Stacoviak, Erik Michaels-Ober. See LICENSE for details.


Simple Ruby wrapper for the GitHub v2 API and feeds

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%