slingamn / irc-stress-test

Stress tests IRC servers and presents results on how long the tests took.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IRC Stress Test

Stress tests IRC servers and presents results on how long the tests took.

Unless you're writing an IRC server or something similar, this isn't that useful for you.

Note: Very pre-release. Very early. Does not yet work.


By default, we only wait for the final QUIT message to be processed (i.e. for an ERROR message to be returned to us). Passing the --wait flag makes us wait after every command we can wait after (i.e. channel joins, parts, etc).


  • Test over localhost.
  • Disable ident lookup.
  • Disable connection limits.
  • Disable rate limiting.


Stress tests IRC servers and presents results on how long the tests took.

License:ISC License


Language:Go 100.0%