slicol / ForumDemo

This is a demo version of a comment-based forum mobile app (similar to Reddit), developed in React Native + Expo & Jest as a team project with Hubbark3 for our Mobile Development class at WWU. It is an ongoing work-in-progress and is meant to serve as an example of a React Native project I am actively coding.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open in Codespaces


Coded by: Katie Taylor & Kevin Hubbard

We developed a simple commenting app demo (like a mini-reddit) for our Mobile Development class at Western Washington University.

Run our app with expo with npx expo start, and connect to the Metro bundler with Expo Go or on your computer with an Android simulator/iOS emulator.

Our App Design:

Our app UI looks like this, with a sticky comment input box and a scrollable comment list: design, view 1

and this, after scrolling down the comments a little: design, view 2

and this, when deleting a comment:

example of deleting a comment

Demo Functionality

In this demo, we pre-load sample JSON data.

Users can

  • add a comment
  • edit their comment
  • delete their comment
  • vote up/down others' comments
  • reply to others' comments


We automated testing of the aforementioned main functionality (commenting, editing comments, deleting comments, voting and replying) using Jest. It was a good challenge for us to learn how to test dynamically-created elements, which we had not done before.

You can run the Jest tests with npm run test.


This is a demo version of a comment-based forum mobile app (similar to Reddit), developed in React Native + Expo & Jest as a team project with Hubbark3 for our Mobile Development class at WWU. It is an ongoing work-in-progress and is meant to serve as an example of a React Native project I am actively coding.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%