sledorze / fp-ts-routing

A type-safe bidirectional routing library for TypeScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


import { lit, int, end, zero, Route, parse, format } from 'fp-ts-routing'

// locations

class Home {
  static value = new Home()
  readonly _tag: 'Home' = 'Home'
  private constructor() {}

class User {
  readonly _tag: 'User' = 'User'
  constructor(readonly id: number) {}

class Invoice {
  readonly _tag: 'Invoice' = 'Invoice'
  constructor(readonly userId: number, readonly invoiceId: number) {}

class NotFound {
  static value = new NotFound()
  readonly _tag: 'NotFound' = 'NotFound'
  private constructor() {}

type Location = Home | User | Invoice | NotFound

// matches
const defaults = end
const home = lit('home').then(end)
const userId = lit('users').then(int('userId'))
const user = userId.then(end)
const invoice = userId

// router
const router = zero<Location>()
  .alt( => Home.value))
  .alt( => Home.value))
  .alt({ userId }) => new User(userId)))
  .alt({ userId, invoiceId }) => new Invoice(userId, invoiceId)))

// helper
const parseLocation = (s: string): Location => parse(router, Route.parse(s), NotFound.value)

import * as assert from 'assert'

// parsers

assert.strictEqual(parseLocation('/'), Home.value)
assert.strictEqual(parseLocation('/home'), Home.value)
assert.deepEqual(parseLocation('/users/1'), new User(1))
assert.deepEqual(parseLocation('/users/1/invoice/2'), new Invoice(1, 2))
assert.strictEqual(parseLocation('/foo'), NotFound.value)

// formatters

assert.strictEqual(format(user.formatter, { userId: 1 }), '/users/1')
assert.strictEqual(format(invoice.formatter, { userId: 1, invoiceId: 2 }), '/users/1/invoice/2')

Defining new matches via io-ts types

The function type allows to define a new Match from a io-ts runtime type

type<K extends string, A>(k: K, type: t.Type<A>): Match<{ [_ in K]: A }>


A type-safe bidirectional routing library for TypeScript

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%