slchris / m1-gentoo-dotfiles

M1 Macbook Gentoo Dotfiles

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Experimental, make sure your data is backed up before you use it.

Environment preparation

Prepare an m1 model mac, ensure Time Machine is turned off, and have at least 40G free space.

If you have used the time machine, make sure you have deleted all copies of the time machine

View all Time Machine backups.

tmutil listbackups

To delete a Time Machine backup.


sudo tmutil delete Y-M-D.backup
curl | sh

Asahi Linux Desktop is installed here to facilitate subsequent operations (such as connect to wifi, update the system, etc.)

After following the installation instructions, you can enter the Asahi Linux system. Before you start building Gentoo, make sure you have upgraded Asahi Linux to the latest version with GPU support (

Build Gentoo Stage4

After the update is complete, we can build the new gentoo system.

Switch to the root user to do the following

Create the folder for building gentoo's working directory

mkdir -pv /mnt/gentoo

Download stage3 for arm64

cd /mnt/gentoo
wget -c

Decompress stage3:

tar xpvf stage3-*.tar.xz --xattrs-include="*. *" --numeric-owner

Copy the Asahi Linux kernel, modules and firmware to gentoo

cp -r /boot /mnt/gentoo
cp -r /usr/lib/modules /mnt/gentoo/usr/lib
cp -r /usr/lib/firmware /mnt/gentoo/usr/lib

Hang the necessary files in.

mount --types proc /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys
mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/sys
mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/dev
mount --bind /run /mnt/gentoo/run
mount --make-slave /mnt/gentoo/run


chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
sources /etc/profile

Next, you can refer to the Gentoo Linux manual to install, it should be noted that USE should be enabled globally wayland, the latest GPU driver works better under wayland.

The installation process can be skipped to the partition, kernel, and boot chapters

You can backup the stage4 file after installing the necessary system configuration

Generate the skipped manifest file (the compression will not compress these contents)

cat << EOF > /stage4.excl

Compressed file.

tar cvzf /stage4.tar.gz -X /stage4.excl /

To exit the chroot environment.


After that we reboot the system


Install Gentoo

While rebooting into the grub menu, press e to enter modify mode and delete a few characters from the UUID after root= in the line linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux-asahi root= and press control+x to enter boot.

This time the boot will fail to a rescue shell

In the rescue shell, do the following.

mkdir -p /mnt/asahi /mnt/new

Create a memory disk and mount it to /mnt/new

mount -t tmpfs -o size=5g tmpfs /mnt/new

To view the hard drive partition.

fdisk -l

After seeing the rootfs partition of Asahi Linux mount it to /mnt/asahi

mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /mnt/asahi

Copy the stage4 file you made in Asahi Linux to /mnt/new

cp -v /mnt/asahi/mnt/gentoo/stage4.tar.gz /mnt/new

Delete the contents of the original Asahi Linux.

rm -Rf /mnt/asahi/*

Unpack stage4 to the rootfs of Asahi Linux

tar xpvf /mnt/new/stage4.tar.gz --numeric-owner

To get to the chroot.

chroot /mnt/asahi /bin/bash

Delete the original firmware and linked kernel modules and firmware directories: ``shell

rm -Rf /lib/firmware
ln -s /usr/lib/firmware /lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/modules /lib/

Finally reboot the system with.

reboot -f

After that you are in the Gentoo system, Happy hacking!


Reference document:


M1 Macbook Gentoo Dotfiles