slashwq / docker-oclc-ezproxy

A Docker container based on Debian that runs the OCLC EZproxy software. Useful for any institution that utilizes the EZproxy software!

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A Docker container based on Debian that runs the OCLC EZproxy software.

Running the Container

NOTE: For all examples shown, defining the EZPROXY_WSKEY variable is not required. If the variable is not defined, the container will look for a wskey.key file in your EZproxy config folder.



Using the Docker host network:

docker run -h HOSTNAME.TLD -e TZ=YOUR_TIMEZONE_HERE -e EZPROXY_WSKEY=YOUR_EZPROXY_WS_KEY_HERE -v PATH_TO_EZPROXY_CONFIG_FOLDER:/usr/local/ezproxy/config --network=host hyp5r/oclc-ezproxy:latest

Not Recommended

Using the Docker bridge network and exposing the default port:

docker run -h HOSTNAME.TLD -e TZ=YOUR_TIMEZONE_HERE -e EZPROXY_WSKEY=YOUR_EZPROXY_WS_KEY_HERE -v PATH_TO_EZPROXY_CONFIG_FOLDER:/usr/local/ezproxy/config -p 2048:2048 hyp5r/oclc-ezproxy:latest

Docker Compose

version: "3"

    image: hyp5r/oclc-ezproxy:latest
    container_name: oclc-ezproxy
    network_mode: host
    hostname: HOSTNAME.TLD
    restart: unless-stopped
### ================================================================
### Ports commented out as network_mode is host.
### Set network_mode to bridge and uncomment the ports lines
### to use Docker bridge networking. (not recommended)
### ================================================================
#   ports:
#     - 2048:2048
### ================================================================
      - PATH_TO_EZPROXY_CONFIG_FOLDER:/usr/local/ezproxy/config
  • container_name can be anything you'd like to name the container.
  • network_mode is recommended to be host. Set to bridge and uncomment the ports config if you'd rather expose ports, but be warned that EZproxy may not function correctly if your EZproxy config is incorrect.
  • hostname needs to be a FQDN. For most colleges, this may be something like, but the hostname must be applied or EZproxy will not route traffic properly.

Why Host Networking is Recommended for this Container

Using the host network is recommended for OCLC EZproxy as the config.txt file within the EZproxy config handles exposed ports. Because this is a proxy software, the ports must match exactly what's exposed, and any mismatch between Docker's exposed ports and the ports exposed in config.txt will cause a redirect issue.

OCLC EZproxy is not compatible with a reverse proxy, also making the Docker host network more suitable. If you already use port 80/443 on your Docker host, you'll need a second IP address and configure EZproxy's config.txt to bind to that specific IP.

OCLC EZproxy-specific Settings

This docker container contains some intermediate-to-advanced setup to function properly - most likely, copying your existing EZproxy configurations will not work as expected. Below are some additional notes pertaining to EZproxy administrators that I've come across when setting up this application.

Binding an IP Address to EZproxy

You'll need to bind EZproxy to a specific IP on your network interfaces if you match the following predicament:

  1. Your Docker host is already using a container that binds to port 80 and 443 (or the container is using the host network and uses the same ports), AND
  2. You normally operate EZproxy under port 80 and 443.

To bind EZproxy to a specific IP, open your config.txt file and add the directive underneath your EZproxy Name:

Interface X.X.X.X

Where X.X.X.X is the local IP address that EZproxy should respond to. Once this is set, restart the EZproxy container and it'll only listen for requests via that local IP address.

Note that you'll also need to configure your existing 80 & 443 container to only listen on another IP address, otherwise you will run into routing issues. As I'm currently using Caddy for all other 80 & 443 requests, you can resolve this by inserting the following line for each host in your Caddyfile:

bind X.X.X.X

Let's Encrypt SSL with EZproxy

There's a decent chance that you may be purchasing a wildcard certificate specifically for EZproxy, but you are able to easily use Let's Encrypt with your EZproxy instance if you have an already-configured Let's Encrypt daemon running.

My example will be for a Linux host, so change some steps as necessary if you're running Docker on Windows.

Let's set the following informaation:

  • Let's Encrypt certificates are stored in /home/user/ as I use for Let's Encrypt certificates.
  • EZproxy's certificates are expected to be in /opt/docker/ezproxy/config/ssl and are numbered sequentially.
    • EZproxy expects to see SSL certs in the following style:
      • 0000000#.crt - Where # is any number 1-9.
      • 0000000#.key - Where # is any number 1-9 and corresponds with the adjacent .crt.
      • active - This file is used to tell EZproxy what file combo to load.

With this information, you just need to create a hard link from your Let's Encrypt certificates and rename the created hard link. For example:

ln /home/user/ /opt/docker/ezproxy/config/ssl/00000001.crt
ln /home/user/ /opt/docker/ezproxy/config/ssl/00000001.key

This will create a hard link for your certificates into the EZproxy SSL directory. You'll then just need to edit the active file and change the number inside to the certificate number you want to load (without any leading zeroes).

Reload EZproxy, and you should be able to see your Let's Encrypt certificate applied successfully! Note that when you have this setup in place, you should never make any changes to SSL within the EZproxy administration interface as it could break the setup.


A Docker container based on Debian that runs the OCLC EZproxy software. Useful for any institution that utilizes the EZproxy software!


Language:Shell 82.3%Language:Dockerfile 17.7%