slamdon / Swift-Lottie-Example

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#Lottie Example in Swift

Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with bodymovin and renders the vector animations natively on mobile and through React Native!

Objective-C example

here is an official Objective-C example from airbnb


Here is some sample from the official site

Example1 Example2

![Community](_Gifs/Community 2_3.gif) Example3


Install Lottie

###Cocoapods Add the pod to your podfile

pod 'lottie-ios'


pod install

###Carthage Install Carthage ( Add Lottie to your Cartfile

github "airbnb/lottie-ios" "master"


carthage update

Using Lottie

for more information please read the official Readme
