slainless / pdk-driver

An interface or driver that bridge "PDK" I/O access to node.js

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Prodeskel Driver in Node.JS

An API to make access easier to Prodeskel by providing user-friendly APIs, allowing faster development for system integration.

NOTE: This project is an ESM package, meaning it cannot be require() from CommonJS.

Read here: Pure ESM Package

Before running test...

Generate dev/connection_dump.json and dev/credential.json (or, just modify dev/index.ts which will need those two files to be present). Both files definition can be checked in src/connection.ts.

Will update all unit tests later to read from environment variable instead.


  "cookies": "",
  "isLoggedIn": false


  "username": "myusername",
  "password": "secretKey"

To use, just import Driver from src/index.ts. Initialize Driver with credential then use it however you like. Calling login() is optional since it's being handled automatically.

API Overview

TypeDoc documentation:

This project consists of 3 components:

  • The driver
  • The connection
  • The library

driver and connection are exposed to end-user. But, the API mainly comes from driver, which is exported by default in the project's entrypoint (index.js).


Driver is the API of the module. It contains all methods used to read and write data to/from Prodeskel. The usage is very simple, all we need to do is import it then initialize it with credential:

import Driver from 'prodeskel-driver'

const credential = {
  username: 'my-username',
  password: 'my-password',

const driver = new Driver(credential)
// then, call driver's method.

After initialization, the driver can be instantly used without needing any more configuration. The driver will handle connection and cookie management in background. All we had to do is calling the method. For example,

const driver = new Driver(credential)
const result = await driver.getDataPenduduk({ page: 1 })

The driver also supports parallel asynchronous fetching:

const driver = new Driver(credential)
const results = await Promise.all([
  driver.getDataPenduduk({ page: 1 }),
  driver.getDataPenduduk({ page: 2 }),
  driver.getDataPenduduk({ page: 3 }),


Connection is the session handler of the driver. It manages connection, login process, and cookie. It's actually not needed by end-user except when building a custom driver. Basic usage example:

import { Connection } from 'prodeskel-driver'

const credential = {
  username: 'my-username',
  password: 'my-password',

const connection = new Connection({
  useCredential: credential,
await connection.login()
console.log(connection.isLoggedIn, connection.cookieJar)


Tests are available in /test. Testing is done using ava.js test runner (command: yarn test). Sometimes, the parallel testing is buggy. In that case, run test individually per test unit.

This project is using:

  • cheerio to parse HTML into jquery-like object to make parsing easier
  • superstruct to validate data with schema
  • ava for unit testing
  • prettier for automatic opinionated code formatter

Feature To-Do

  • Parallel-able async method
  • Allow auto-relogin on expiring session
  • Get data penduduk by page
  • Find data penduduk by query
  • Create data penduduk
  • Update data penduduk
  • Delete data penduduk
  • Dump data penduduk
  • Mass update data penduduk
  • Sinkronisasi data penduduk

Project To-Do

  • Update project to use modern NodeJS (atleast, to any version that natively supports ESM)
  • Updating/upgrading dependencies
  • Fix ava test runner problem
  • Curb unused/redundant dependencies
  • Reducing as much as possible dependency to external package
  • Refactor code to minimize confusion to reader


An interface or driver that bridge "PDK" I/O access to node.js


Language:TypeScript 100.0%