skypanther / Acktie-Mobile-iOS-Barcode-Reader

Acktie Mobile Barcode module is an easy to use yet powerful barcode reader.

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Acktie Mobile Barcode Reader Module (iOS)


A working example of how to use this module can be found on Github at Example.


This module allows for a quick integration of a barcode reader into your Appcelerator Mobile application. The barcode reading ability comes in two scanning modes and supports many barcode standards.

  • Scan from Camera Feed
  • Scan from Photo Album (user selected)

Support Barcode standards are:

  • EAN-2
  • EAN-5
  • EAN-8
  • UPC-E
  • ISBN-10
  • UPC-A
  • EAN-13
  • ISBN-13
  • I2/5
  • DataBar
  • DataBar-Exp
  • Codabar
  • CODE-39
  • CODE-93
  • CODE-128

Additionally, the Camera Feed option has the ability to provide an overlay on the feed. Several colors and layout are provide by default with the module. Documented below are a list of the preloaded overlays. NOTE: iPhone 3GS or higher is supported.

Accessing the Acktie Mobile Barcode Module

To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:

var barcodeReader = require(""); 

The barcode reader variable is a reference to the Module object.


The following are the Javascript functions you can call with the module. All of the modules provide callbacks for:

success (Callack)

Called in the event of a successful scan.

result (callback result)

  • data - This returns the data of the barcode scan.

  • type - This is the type of barcode that was detected Example:

    function success(data){ var barcodeData =; var barcodeType = data.type };

Valid barcode "type" string returned from module :

  • EAN-2
  • EAN-5
  • EAN-8
  • UPC-E
  • ISBN-10
  • UPC-A
  • EAN-13
  • ISBN-13
  • I2/5
  • DataBar
  • DataBar-Exp
  • Codabar
  • CODE-39
  • CODE-93
  • CODE-128
  • PDF417

cancel (Callack)

Called if the user clicks the cancel button. NOTE: No callback data returned.


Called if the scan was not successful in reading the barcode. NOTE: No callback data returned.


Scans a barcode from an image selected from the Photo Library Example:

scanBarcodeFromAlbum( { success : success, cancel : cancel, error : error, }); 

view or navBarButton

For iPad Only, you need to specify an view (which could be a button, table cell, or an actual view) or a button in the navigation bar (the button assigned to a window's rightnavbutton or leftnavbutton) in order to use the scanBarcodeFromAlbum feature. This will provide a popover that will show a list of existing photos to choose the barcode from. NOTE: you must specify a view or a navBarButton but not both. Also, specifying either value on an iPhone will be ignored, so it is safe to specify the values without having to test for the platform.


Automatically scans a barcode code from the live Camera Feed Example of Scanning from Camera without overlay:

scanBarcodeFromCamera( { success : success, cancel : cancel, error : error, }); 

Example of Scanning from Camera with overlay:

scanBarcodeFromCamera( { overlay: { color: "blue", layout: "full", }, success : success, cancel : cancel, error : error, }); 

Valid overlay options

The following are the value JSON values for overlay.

color (optional):

  • blue
  • purple
  • red
  • yellow

layout (optional):

  • full
  • center NOTE: Both color and layout must be specified together. Also, iPad does not have a "full" option and will default to "center".

imageName (optional):

Use this property if you want to use your own overlay image. See the customize overlay section for more details.

alpha (optional):

A float value between 0 - 1. 0 being fully transparent and 1 being fully visible. Example: alpha: 0.5 // half transparent

allowZoom (optional):

This feature controls whether or not the user is allowed to use the pitch to zoom gesture. Example: allowZoom: false, By default this value is true.

Additional options:

These options apply to one to many of the above modes.

Apply to all

continuous (optional):

This feature will continuously scan for barcodes even after one has been detected. The user will have to click the "Done" button to exit the barcode screen. With each barcode that is detected the "success" event will be triggers so you program will be able to process each barcode. Also, the application can use the phone virate feature to indicate a scan took place. See example app.js for details. Example: continuous: true, By default this value is false.

seFrontCamera (optional):

This option is used to enable the camera view to use the front facing camera. If the option is set to true and no front camera exist then the first camera found will be used. NOTE: Most (if not all), front facing cameras are a fixed focus camera that will not auto-focus on an object. This can result in a lower read success rate for scanning in low light. Take this into consideration when developing your app. Example: useFrontCamera: true, By default this value is false and to the back camera.

barcodes (optional):

An array of strings contain valid barcode types the modules should use for detection. If the type is not specified it will not be detected. The following are a list of valid types:

  • "EAN2",

  • "EAN5",

  • "EAN8",

  • "UPCE",

  • "ISBN10",

  • "UPCA",

  • "EAN13",

  • "ISBN13",


  • "I25",

  • "DATABAR",


  • "CODE39",

  • "PDF417",

  • "CODE93",

  • "CODE128", The app.js has several examples of different barcode types grouped. NOTE about ISBN: This type is detected through the EAN13 algorithm. If you want to detect ISBN10 or ISBN13 then you will need to include EAN13 in your barcodes array list. Also, ISBN10 has priority over ISBN13 so ISBN10 data and type will be returns when both are detected. Default for this property is all the available barcode types. Example: Only detect UPC barcodes:

    ... var UPC = [ "UPCE", "UPCA",]; ... scanBarcodeFromCamera( { barcodes: UPC success : success, cancel : cancel, error : error, });

Applies only to scanBarcodeFromCamera

userControlLight (optional):

This feature will presents the user an On/Off switch in which to control the flash/torch. In scanBarcodeFromCamera the light will be continuously on. Example: userControlLight: true, By default this value is false. NOTE: By not setting this variable or setting it to false will default the mode to auto, which means the camera will make the determination when to use the light.

Customize Overlay

In this module's subdirectory lives is a directory called assets. It contains all of the images used in the overlay process. In order to customize the overlay you will need to do 2 things:

  • Place your custom image in the assets directory

  • Use the property "imageName" in the scanBarcodeFromCamera arguments (see above). Example:

    scanBarcodeFromCamera( { overlay: { imageName: "myOverlay.png", alpha: 0.35f }, success : success, cancel : cancel, error : error, });

NOTE: Specifying an imageName will override any color/layout that is also specified in the same overlay property. Meaning, when they are both specified imageName will take precedence. However, alpha works on both regardless of what is used (color/layout or imageName). Included in the example/images subdirectory is an example Photoshop file and .png files. NOTE: The overlay feature uses the standard @2x image name for high-res images (iPhone 4 and above). This give you the ability to support the non-retina and retina displays for your overlay. Here is a link to Apple's site for the support image types: [Link]( t/reference/UIImage_Class/Reference/Reference.html)

Known Issues/Limitations:

This module does not support manual image capture like the QR Code module does. After a bit of testing it produced unreliable results.

Change Log

  • 1.0: Initial Release
  • -: Fixed documentation errors and included sample images
  • 1.1 Fixed an issue where the customized overlay images were not using the Retina images.
  • 1.2 Added better support for Scan from Album on the iPad
  • 1.3 iOS 6 support
  • 1.4 Added Front Camera Support. Fixed issue when building with TiStoreKit
  • 1.5 Adding Codabar support
  • 1.6 7.0 memory leak fix


Tony Nuzzi @ Acktie Twitter: @Acktie Email:

Code licensed under Apache License v2.0, documentation under CC BY 3.0.

Libaries Used:

Portions of this software utilize the ZBar bar code reader: For more information you can go to:

Attribution is welcome but not required.


Acktie Mobile Barcode module is an easy to use yet powerful barcode reader.



Language:Objective-C 32.5%Language:C++ 31.3%Language:C 30.9%Language:Python 4.9%Language:Shell 0.3%