skybluesofa / laravel-followers

Gives Eloquent models the ability to manage followers.

Repository from Github https://github.comskybluesofa/laravel-followersRepository from Github https://github.comskybluesofa/laravel-followers

Laravel 5 Followers

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Gives Eloquent models the ability to manage their followers.

Models can:

  • Send Follow Requests
  • Accept Follow Requests
  • Deny Follow Requests
  • Block Another Model


First, install the package through Composer.

composer require skybluesofa/laravel-followers

Then include the service provider inside config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Publish config and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Skybluesofa\Followers\ServiceProvider"

Configure the published config in


Finally, migrate the database

php artisan migrate

Setup a Model

use Skybluesofa\Followers\Traits\Followable;
class User extends Model
    use Followable;

How to use

Check the Test file to see the package in action


Send a Follow Request

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequest event.


Accept a Follow Request

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequestAccepted event.


Deny a Follow Request

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequestDenied event.


Remove Follow

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\Unfollow event.


Block a User

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowingBlocked event.


Unblock a User

Will trigger a Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowingUnblocked event.


Check if User is Following another User


Check if User is being Followed by another User


Check if User has a pending Follow request from another User


Check if User sent a pending Follow request to another User


Check if User has blocked another User


Check if User is blocked by another User


Get a single friendship


Get a list of all Friendships


Get a list of pending Friendships


Get a list of accepted Friendships


Get a list of denied Friendships


Get a list of blocked Friendships


Get a list of pending Friend Requests


Get the number of Friends



To get a collection of friend models (ex. User) use the following methods:

Get Friends


Get Friends Paginated

$user->getFriends($perPage = 20);


These events are triggered during the lifecycle of following/unfollowing/accept/deny followers:

Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowingBlocked(Model $recipient, Model $sender);
Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowingUnblocked(Model $recipient, Model $sender);
Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequest(Model $recipient, Model $sender);
Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequestAccepted(Model $recipient, Model $sender);
Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\FollowRequestDenied(Model $recipient, Model $sender);
Skybluesofa\LaravelFollowers\Events\Unfollow(Model $recipient, Model $sender);

To listen for and react to these events, follow the instructions available in the Laravel Documentation.

Thank you

The basis of this code was garnered from Although it was a jumping off point, much of the code has been rewritten to allow for Following as opposed to Mutual Friendship.


See the CONTRIBUTING guide.


Gives Eloquent models the ability to manage followers.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%