sky-uk / toolkit

Sky's CSS Toolkit

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Sky’s CSS Toolkit

For full documentation, visit


  1. Goals
  2. Structure
  3. Installation
  4. Requirements/Dependencies
  5. Usage
  6. Contributing
  7. Versioning
  8. History
  9. Maintainers


  • Enable teams across tribes to share common styles.
  • Provide a modular approach to handling CSS/Sass components.
  • Provide a single source of truth for Polaris brand guidelines.


The project consists of 3 packages:

  • sky-toolkit: provides the UI and Core layers.
    • sky-toolkit-core: Global styles and defaults for all projects.
    • sky-toolkit-ui: Aesthetic components.



$ npm install sky-toolkit --save

⚠️ Note: your Sass configuration must be set to access certain dependencies or installation will fail. Either:

See for full individual component documentation.


Because of how the Toolkit loads third party dependencies (such as sass-mq), your development environment needs:

  • npm (3.0 or greater)
  • NodeJS (5.0 or greater)

If you’re using webpack you’ll also need:

Supporting IE9+

To support IE9+, you must include the following at the top of your index.html / default container view.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 9 ]>               <html lang="en-GB" class="ie9"> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 9 | !IE ]><!--> <html lang="en-GB"> <!--<![endif]-->

Compiled/Hosted Version

For rapid prototyping and static sites, you can include our latest compiled CSS in the <head> of your page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<version_number>/toolkit.min.css">

We strongly advise not to use this method in live projects. Use npm installation to benefit from the Toolkit’s modularity and extensibility.

Alternatively, in Node.js, use sky-toolkit's entry point to grab an automatically version-controlled link which corresponds to your app's version of Toolkit in package.json

For example:

const { cdnUrl: skyToolkit } = require('sky-toolkit');

module.exports = `
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="${skyToolkit}">
    <!-- Your App's Stylesheets/Assets, for example: -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">


Once installed, there are 2 methods of Toolkit implementation:

  1. Hybrid (Recommended)
  2. Sass Imports


A combination of compiled and Sass implementation:

  • Importing sky-toolkit-core via a CDN allows for caching across the estate, allowing for performance benefits as well as greater code consistency. If you're using Node.js, versioning is automatically taken care of via the entry point.
  • Importing sky-toolkit-ui modularly via Sass avoids unused CSS bloat.


  1. Require sky-toolkit-core's compiled module into your layout/template which houses the <head> for your application.

    It must be the first stylesheet defined:

    • Node.js - utilise the entry point to grab an automatically version-controlled link which corresponds to your app's version of Toolkit in package.json. For example, your template file could look like:

      const { skyToolkitCoreCdnUrl } = require('sky-toolkit');
      module.exports = `
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="${skyToolkitCoreCdnUrl}">
          <!-- Your App's Stylesheets/Assets, for example: -->
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
    • Other languages - no such entry point exists, so you'll need to manually version the compiled Toolkit/Toolkit Core that your project uses.

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="<version_number>/toolkit-core.min.css">
      <!-- Your App's Stylesheets/Assets, for example: -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
  2. Follow the Sass Imports steps defined below, making sure you import sky-toolkit-core/tools, not /all.

Sass Imports

  1. In your application's main .scss file, include sky-toolkit-core at the very top:

    • If you're following the Hybrid method above, you must use /tools to utilise tools and settings and avoid outputting the core.

      /* main.scss (compiles to main.css) */
      @import "sky-toolkit-core/tools";

      This is required if you're extending any Toolkit styles or creating custom components.

    • If you're not following the Hybrid method above and you're using Toolkit fully via Sass, you must use /all to output the core.

      /* main.scss (compiles to main.css) */
      @import "sky-toolkit-core/all";

      This is required by all sky-toolkit-ui components / custom styles that extend Toolkit.

      ⚠️ Do not import /all when using the Hybrid method, as it will duplicate styles.

  2. Following that, you can import individual sky-toolkit-ui components and your own project-specific styles, for example:

    /* main.scss (compiles to main.css) */
    /* Change to `/tools` or `/all` where appropriate */
    @import "sky-toolkit-core/[tools|all]";
    @import "sky-toolkit-ui/components/typography";
    @import "sky-toolkit-ui/components/tile";
    @import "sky-toolkit-ui/components/panel";
    /* Project-specific styles */
    @import "components/your-component";

    There is the option to import all components, however, we strongly recommend only importing the individual components required in your project.

    @import "sky-toolkit-ui/all";


We love to have people contributing, but please make sure you follow our guidelines.


To get set up with a working development version of Toolkit, follow the steps detailed below:

# Clone the repo to your machine.
git clone
# Jump into your Toolkit folder.
cd toolkit
# Install common dependencies.
npm i
# Toolkit comprises several sub-packages; Lerna links them together for us.
npm i -g lerna
lerna bootstrap
# Learn more at

After running these commands, you should have all the relevant code and its dependencies installed and linked up ready to go…

Preview 🎨

Note: further enhancements to preview can be found in #386

The fastest way to develop Toolkit components is to use Preview:

npm run preview

Running this command will fire up a hot reloading local environment that renders all of our components (WIP) onto a single page:

  • Markup – sourced from fenced code blocks within Markdown from packages/*/docs/.
  • Styles - sourced from SCSS in packages/. Additional/experimental styles can be applied in preview/scss/.

Adding New Components

Note: currently only supported for sky-toolkit-ui components.

To render your new component in the preview environment:

Within packages/sky-toolkit-ui/:

  1. Add your component's import to _all.scss:
    @import "components/<component>";
  2. Create a <component>.md within docs/. If you're stuck, check out the provided

Within preview/js/data.js:

  1. Add your '<component>' to the components array.

Manually Compiling CSS

To manually compile changes across the packages into a single build/toolkit.css file, run the following command:

npm run build


Toolkit follows Semantic Versioning to help manage the impact of releasing new library versions.


Before mid-June, 2017, Toolkit was split across two separate repositories:

  1. Toolkit Core, containing structural and architectural styles.
  2. Toolkit UI, containing specific, styled UI components.

After enough time, this strategy proved too cumbersome: managing the surface area and coordinating releases became a task in itself, even across only two repositories. To that end, we folded them into one—this one.

To view a complete history of many of the files, you will need to pass the --follow flag into your log.

Without --follow:

$ git log --oneline commitlint.config.js

ef54c12 build(core): added comittizen, commitlint and new lerna config

With --follow:

$ git log --oneline --follow commitlint.config.js

bf439b3 (HEAD -> commitizen, origin/commitizen) refactor(core): change wording of commit questions
ef54c12 (squash-branch) build(core): added comittizen, commitlint and new lerna config


If you run into any trouble or need support getting to grips with Toolkit, reach out in Slack or contact one of the maintainers:

Joe Dinsdale
Joe Dinsdale

Steve Duffin
Steve Duffin

Sam Kitson
Sam Kitson

Sam Kitson
Stefan McCready

Ste Allan
Ste Allan

Special thanks to the following contributors:


Sky's CSS Toolkit

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:CSS 94.4%Language:JavaScript 4.6%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:Shell 0.4%