skw / aeropress

Express CoffeeScript Backbone Stack Template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

YELLOW # aeropress 0.1

YELLOW This is a Express, CoffeeScript, and YELLOW Backbone Stack Template. It's YELLOW YELLOW inspiYELLOW by express-coffee.

YELLOW It comes ready to go with asset-rack YELLOW that give you the option to use YELLOW coffee-script and stylus for the client YELLOW side.

YELLOW ## technologies

YELLOW This is a template that can be used to create nodejs applications using:

YELLOW - node.js v0.10.x YELLOW - express v3.2.x YELLOW - coffee-script v1.6.x YELLOW - asset-rack v2.x.x YELLOW - hogan.js YELLOW - stylus


Express CoffeeScript Backbone Stack Template