skrilladeville / django-cryptapi

Django implementation of CryptAPI's payment gateway

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CryptAPI's Django Library

Django's implementation of CryptAPI's payment gateway


Python >= 3.0
Django >= 2.0
Requests >= 2.20


pip install django-cryptapi

on pypi or on GitHub



Run migrations:

python3 migrate cryptapi

Collect static files:

python3 collectstatic

Add CryptAPI's URLs to your project's file:

urlpatterns = [
    path('cryptapi/', include('cryptapi.urls')),


After the installation you need to set up Providers for each coin you wish to accept.

You need to go into your Django Admin and create a new CryptAPI Provider for each coin with your cold wallet address where the funds will be forwarded to.


Creating an Invoice

In your order creation view, assuming user_order is your order object:

  • If you want the address generated:
from cryptapi import Invoice
def order_creation_view(request):
    invoice = Invoice(
    payment_address = invoice.address()
    if payment_address is not None:
        # Show the payment address to the user
        # Handle request error, check RequestLogs on Admin
  • If you want the cryptapi.models.Request object:
from cryptapi import Invoice
def order_creation_view(request):
    invoice = Invoice(
    payment_request = invoice.request()
    if payment_request is not None:
        # Show the payment address to the user
        # Handle request error, check RequestLogs on Admin


request is Django's view HttpRequest object
order_id is just your order id
coin is the ticker of the coin you wish to use, any of our supported coins ( You need to have a Provider set up for that coin.
value is an integer of the value of your order, either in satoshi, litoshi, wei, piconero or IOTA

Getting notified when the user pays

from django.dispatch import receiver
from cryptapi.signals import payment_complete

def payment_received(order_id, payment, value):
    # Implement your logic to mark the order as paid and release the goods to the user


order_id is the id of the order that you provided earlier, used to fetch your order
payment is an cryptapi.models.Payment object with the payment details, such as TXID, number of confirmations, etc.
value is the value the user paid, either in satoshi, litoshi, wei or IOTA



Don't forget to import your signals file.

On your App's file:

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
   name = 'MyApp'
   def ready(self):
       super(MyAppConfig, self).ready()

       # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
       import MyApp.signals

django docs



This library has a couple of helpers to help you get started

cryptapi.valid_providers() is a method that returns a list of tuples of the active providers that you can just feed into the choices of a form.ChoiceField

cryptapi.get_order_invoices(order_id) returns a list of cryptapi.models.Request objects of your order (you can have multiple objects for the same order if the user mistakenly initiated the payment with another coin)

Template Tags

There's also some template tags which you can import to help you with conversions and the protocols. You just need to load cryptapi_helper on your template and use the following tags / filters:

  • QR code (with cryptapi.models.Request object)

If you want the library to generate and display a clickable QR code for you, just use our generate_qrcode_for_request, like this:

{% generate_qrcode_for_request payment_request %}

You just need to feed it the payment_request object created with invoice.request()

The QR code that can also be clicked on mobile devices to launch the user's wallet.

  • QR code (with address, coin and value)

If you want the library to generate and display a clickable QR code for you, just use our generate_qrcode, like this:

{% generate_qrcode btc 1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3 0.001 %}

It takes 3 arguments: the coin, the payment address and the value in the main denomination of the coin, and it will output a neat QR code for your page.

The QR code that can also be clicked on mobile devices to launch the user's wallet.

{% load cryptapi_helper %}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-12">
            {% generate_qrcode btc 1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3 0.001 %}
  • Payment URI

If you just want to build a full payment URI to plug into your own QR code, you can use our build_payment_uri tag, like so:

{% build_payment_uri btc 1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3 0.001 %}

It will output: bitcoin:1PE5U4temq1rFzseHHGE2L8smwHCyRbkx3?amount=0.001

Same arguments as for the QR code

  • Helpers

{% convert_value coin value %} where the coin is the coin ticker and the value is the value in satoshi, litoshi, wei or IOTA, will convert to the main coin unit.

{{ coin|coin_name }} will output the properly formatted cryptocurrency name.


Need help?
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Django implementation of CryptAPI's payment gateway

License:MIT License


Language:Python 94.2%Language:HTML 5.8%