A tool for keyframe animation & fragment shader management for 64k executables.
An extensive PDF can be found in the repo: https://github.com/trevorvanhoof/sqrmelon/blob/master/SqrMelon%20manual.pdf
This tool is provided as-is, feel free to use it, contact me if you have any questions.
While I am interested in bug reports and willing to help out, I urge you not to rely on me to fix them within small timeframes!
Beware that bugs & feature requests can be "beyond scope".
SqrMelon is written with Python2.7 (64 bit) and PyQt4, it also depends on some third party python packages. It comes with an install.txt with the right download links to help you get started. The C++ Player project has some other dependencies, listed below:
In Release it also calls a post-build step which gives the .exe to kkrunchy to get the compressed final binary. http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkrunchy/ Get the "a" version and put it in SqrMelon/Player/
For audio we nowadays have various defines in "settings.h" that can open up dependencies you can download and use:
Requires the following files from https://github.com/hzdgopher/64klang out of Player/Player to be placed in the 64klang2 sub folder like so: 64klang2/sample_t.cpp 64klang2/sample_t.h 64klang2/Synth.cpp 64klang2/Synth.h 64klang2/SynthAllocator.cpp 64klang2/SynthAllocator.h 64klang2/SynthNode.cpp 64klang2/SynthNode.h 64klang2/SynthPlayer.cpp 64klang2/SynthPlayer.h
64klang songs also export a 64k2Patch.h and 64k2Song.h which should be placed in the same folder
Requires the following files from Bass 2.4 (from https://www.un4seen.com/download.php?bass24) to be placed next to the other source files: bass.dll bass.h bass.lib
Requires the following files from https://github.com/logicomacorp/WaveSabre to be placed next to the other source files: wavesabreplayerlib.h wavesabrecore.h
Requires the following files from https://github.com/lvandeve/lodepng to be placed next to the other source files: lodepng.h lodepng.cpp
In addition it requires WaveSabreCore.Lib and WaveSabrePlayer.lib, which may easily be built by cloning the entire WaveSabre repo. As of this moment there are no public pre-built release distrubtions.
This requires dialog.rc to be in the project resources. If it is missing or for othe reasons the resource can not be resolved at runtime the app immediately exits before creating any windows.
Feel free to edit Dialog.rc so the resolution selector title matches the title in settings.h!
I have not used this in ages, but it should still work! It allows you to render a pass as horizontal strip of 3D texture slices, which will automatically be rendered and cast to 3D texture. I used it to create static 3D volume textures for clouds in Eidolon.
SqrMelon has been used for the following productions:
Once upon a Time (2nd) at TDF 2017:
Eidolon (1st) at Revision 2017:
Yermom at Evoke 2017:
YIQI (2nd) at Trsac 2017:
*Monster black Hole (video):
Party Gipfeler (3rd) at Revision 2018:
Transphosphorylation (2nd) at Revision 2018:
* Star = final product did not use the player code, only the tool (& possibly frame by frame renderer).
This tool was largely developed by: Trevor van Hoof (Tropical Trevor) http://trevorius.com/
Various additions, bugfixes and ideas were contributed by Glow, Andro, Wurstgetrank amongst others.
The template project uses snippets from various sources, credited in comments in the source.