skkallayath / Image-Fetcher

Fetching images from a particular url

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Travis: Travis

Fetching images from a particular url

This nuget package will help you to fetch images (JPEG and PNG) from a given url .You can configure the image type and maximum number of images.

##Installation To install Image Fetcher, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package ImageFetcher

##Quick Start It is recommended that you install ImageFetcher via NuGet.

Add a reference to ImageFetcher.dll

  1. Create a instance for ImageFetcher
ImageFetcher imageFetcher = new ImageFetcher();
  1. Call GeImages() method for fetching images from a given url
var imagesUrls = imageFetcher.GetImages("”);
  1. Parameters

JPEG: Boolean (by default true), set true for fetching only JPEG images
PNG: Boolean (by default false), set true for fetching only PNG images
OgImage: Boolean (by default false) ,set true for fetching Og Image
MaxImageCount: Integer (by default 2), set the maximum number of images needs to fetched.


Fetching images from a particular url


Language:C# 100.0%