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Framework to rapidly onboard new microservices on a Kubernetes cluster

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Framework to rapidly onboard microservices on a Kubernetes cluster

Installing the Client Tools

Install cfssl and kubectl and verify the installation using:


CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. More about cfssl at

The Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. You can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs. For a complete list of kubectl operations, see Overview of kubectl.

Initialize Compute Nodes on AWS

Create five EC2 instances on AWS using the Ubuntu 16.04 AMI (ami-0cfee17793b08a293). There will be two controller instances, one load balancer and two worker nodes in our cluster as shown in the following diagram:

Cluster Architecture

Each instance should at least be a t2.medium with 8GB memory and the following inbound rules in the security group: Security Group Inbound Rules

The following ports show allow traffic from everywhere. TCP: 80, 8888, 8080, 22 & 443. Also allow all traffic from within your security group to allow the nodes and the controller to communicate with each other. Enable public IP for all instances. Enable all traffic from your laptop. You can use to find your local router's gateway IP address.

Initalize the Environment Variables

Edit the scripts/ and replace the public DNS name, public IP and private IP for the controllers, workers and the load balancer from your AWS console.

vi scripts/

Install and provision a local Certificate Authority

In order to generate certificates for the local kubectl to communicate with the controllers and the nodes within the Kubernetes cluster to communicate with each other, generate the certificate authority


Generate Client Certificates

Generate client certificates used by : admin, kubelet (one for each worker node), kube-controller-manager, kube-proxy, and kube-scheduler


Generate Server Certificate

Generate a server certificate kubernetes-key.pem and kubernetes.pem signed with all of the hostnames and IPs that may be used later in order to access the Kubernetes API.


Generate the Service Account Key Pair

Kubernetes provides the ability for service accounts to authenticate using tokens. It uses a key-pair to provide signatures for those tokens. Generate the service account certificates key-pair files: service-account-key.pem and service-account.pem


Deploy the Certificates

Distribute the generated certificates to the servers on the cloud


Generate Kubeconfigs for the cluster components & distribute

A kubeconfig file is a file used to configure access to Kubernetes when used in conjunction with the kubectl commandline tool (or other clients). Generate kubeconfig files for the various components in the cluster: kubelet, kube-proxy, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, and one for the admin user.


Generate Data Encryption Config & distribute to the Controllers

To store sensitive data as secrets, create a data encryption config containing an encryption key.


Build a etcd Cluster on each of the Controllers

etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines. It gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and can tolerate machine failure, even in the leader node.

Build an etcd cluster across your Kubernetes control nodes.


Install Control Plane on the Controllers

Install the binaries for kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, and kubectl on the controllers.


Setup the Kubernetes API Server on the Controllers

To interact with Kubernetes you will be using the Kubernetes API server. Configure kube-apiserver service on the controllers.


Setup the Kubernetes Controller Manager on the Controllers

In Kubernetes the Controller Manager is a daemon uses a control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster through the kube-apiserver and makes changes attempting to move the current state towards the desired state (ie., it brings up the worker nodes if it fails). Configure the kube-controller-manager service on the controllers.


Setup the Kubernetes Scheduler on the Controllers

The Kubernetes Scheduler controls performance, capacity and availability of the worker nodes through policies and topology awareness. The Kubernetes scheduler attempts to match each Pod created by Kubernetes to a suitable set of resources on a Node. It can also distribute copies of Pods across different Nodes for high availability, if that feature is desired. If it fails to find hardware that suits a Pod's requirements and specifications, that Pod is left unscheduled, and the scheduler retries it until a machine becomes available. Configure the kube-scheduler on the controllers.


Enable HTTP Health Checks for the Controllers

Enable HTTP health checks using nginx. Install nginx on each controller, configure and start it.


Setup RBAC the Controllers

Kubernetes uses Role-Based Access Control configuration to allow the cluster's API to access kubelet functionality such as logs and metrics. Configure RBAC for kubelet authorization


Setup a Kube API Load Balancer

To achieve high availability for the Kubernetes API server we have setup two controller nodes running API Server services in each one of them. To perform load balancing between them setup a nginx server to perform the load balancing among these services.


Install Services on Workers

Download and install the binaries worker nodes services, kubectl, kube-proxy, kubelet and configure them.


Configure Container Runtime on the Workers

Containerd is the container runtime used to run containers managed by Kubernetes. Configure containerd on both of our worker node servers.


Configure Kubernetes Agent on the Workers

kubelet is the Kubernetes agent which runs on each worker node. Acting as a middleman between the Kubernetes control plane and the underlying container runtime, it coordinates the running of containers on the worker node. Configure kubelet on each of the worker nodes.


Configure Network Routing on the Workers

kube-proxy is responsible for providing network routing to support Kubernetes networking components. Configure kube-proxy on each of the worker nodes and start all the worker node binaries: containerd, kubelet, and kube-proxy


Enable Networking in the Kubernetes Cluster

For pods to communicate with each other and rest of the eco-system in Kubernetes, you will need to setup a network. Weave Net creates a virtual network that connects containers across multiple hosts and enables their automatic discovery; ie., it provides a network to connect all pods together, implementing the Kubernetes model where every Pod gets its own IP address. Kubernetes uses the Container Network Interface (CNI) to join pods onto Weave Net.


Configure Remote Access

Configure kubectl to allow running commands against your remote Kubernetes cluster.

In a separate shell, open up an ssh tunnel to port 6443 on your Kubernetes API load balancer using:


Back in the main shell where you were your setting up your cluster, run the following command to setup a new cluster, configure the credentials of the admin user in the cluster and set the current context to the new cluster.


Testing the Kubernetes Installation

Verify that the cluster is setup correctly and working fully as expected by running some basic tests. Have the secondary shell with the ssh tunnel to the load-balancer active for all the tests

Test Remote Access & Networking

Test the remote access by creating a web-server service with replicas of nginx and pinging it with a curl command from another container running busybox


Test Data Encryption


Test Service Deployment


Test Port Forwarding


Test Accessing Kubernetes Logs


Test Remote Execution


Test Deploy Service


Cleanup Test Deployments



OpenFaaS (Functions as a Service) is a framework for building serverless functions with Docker and Kubernetes which has first class support for metrics. Any process can be packaged as a function enabling you to consume a range of web events without repetitive boiler-plate coding.

OpenFaaS is a complete stack for Cloud Native application development called PLONK including: Prometheus, Linux/Linkerd, OpenFaaS, NATS/Nginx and Kubernetes. Introducing PLONK.

OpenFAAS Stack


  • Ease of use through UI portal and one-click install
  • Write services and functions in any language with Template Store or a Dockerfile
  • Build and ship your code in the Docker/OCI image format
  • Portable: runs on existing hardware or public/private cloud by leveraging Kubernetes
  • CLI available with YAML format for templating and defining functions
  • Auto-scales as demand increases including to zero


faas-netes is an OpenFaaS provider which enables Kubernetes for OpenFaaS.

Faasnetes Components

Install faas-cli on local machine


Install faas-netes

Have the secondary shell with the ssh tunnel to the load-balancer active for all the Faasnetes installation

Install faas-netes on our Kubernetes cluster



Framework to rapidly onboard new microservices on a Kubernetes cluster

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 97.0%Language:Python 3.0%