skar404 / timelapse-maker

Simple application for assembling time lapses. Choose a directory with photos, set FPS and resolution and get a video. Available for Mac, Windows and Linux.

Home Page:Программы-для-работы-с-фотографиями/time-lapse-maker-создание-видео-из-фотографий/

Repository from Github https://github.comskar404/timelapse-makerRepository from Github https://github.comskar404/timelapse-maker

Time Lapse Maker

Simple application for assembling time lapses.

Choose a directory with photos, set FPS and resolution and get a video.

Releases and changes page.


Issues and improvements

Feel free to report bugs with reproduction steps or requests any features on the issues page.

Development — how to run local version and publish a new release.


Simple application for assembling time lapses. Choose a directory with photos, set FPS and resolution and get a video. Available for Mac, Windows and Linux.Программы-для-работы-с-фотографиями/time-lapse-maker-создание-видео-из-фотографий/


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