skandhas / GraphSketcher

A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.

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A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.


If you just want to download and aren't interested in contributing, go to The Releases Page.


GraphSketcher is a simple, elegant tool for quickly sketching graphs and plotting data — but you don’t even need data to get started. It’s perfect for reports, presentations, and problem sets where you need to produce sharp-looking graphs on the fly.

Setting it Free

Graph Sketcher was created by Robin Stewart in 2007. The Omni Group further developed OmniGraphSketcher for Mac and brought it to the iPad in 2010. All GraphSketcher-related source code was open-sourced in 2014.

##What’s Inside

The Mac app is located inside the App folder; the iPad source is in the iPad folder. Shared code exists in Model and OmniStyle.

##How to Build

Checking out the source

git clone --recursive git://

Supported Targets

  • GraphSketcher requires iOS 7 and Mac OS X 10.8.

Building GraphSketcher-Mac

Open “GraphSketcher-Mac.xcworkspace”.

Build the “All” scheme.

There is no step 3.

Building GraphSketcher-iPad

Open “GraphSketcher-iPad.xcworkspace”.

Build the “GraphSketcher-iPad” scheme.

There is no step 3.


MIT-style Omni Source License 2007.

See OmniSourceLicense.html in this package.



A fast, simple graph drawing and data plotting app for OS X and iPad.