sjwiesman / pyflink-walkthrough

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



In this playground, you will learn how to manage and run PyFlink Jobs. The pipeline of this walkthrough reads data from Kafka, performs aggregations and writes results to Elasticsearch visualized via Kibana. The environment is managed by Docker so that all you need is a docker on your computer.

  • Kafka

Kafka is used to store input data in this walkthrough. The script is used to generate transaction data and writes into the payment_msg kafka topic. Each record includes 5 fields:

{"createTime": "2020-08-12 06:29:02", "orderId": 1597213797, "payAmount": 28306.44976403719, "payPlatform": 0, "provinceId": 4}
createTime: The creation time of the transaction. 
orderId: The id of the current transaction.
payAmount: The pay amount of the current transaction.
payPlatform: The platform used to pay the order, pc or mobile.
provinceId: The id of the province for the user. 
  • PyFlink

The transaction data is processed by a PyFlink job, The job maps the province id to province name for better demonstration using a Python UDF and then sums the payment for each province using a group aggregate.

  • ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is used to store upstream processing results and provide efficient query service.

  • Kibana

Kibana is an open source data visualization dashboard for ElasticSearch. We use it to visualize our processing results.


The pyflink-walkthrough requires a custom Docker image, as well as public images for Flink, Elasticsearch, Kafka, and ZooKeeper.

The docker-compose.yaml file of the pyflink-walkthrough is located in the pyflink-walkthrough root directory.

Building the custom Docker image

Build the Docker image by running

docker-compose build

Starting the Playground

Once you built the Docker image, run the following command to start the playground

docker-compose up -d

You can check if the playground was successfully started by accessing the WebUI of(You may need to wait about 1 min before all services come up.):

  1. visiting Flink Web UI http://localhost:8081.
  2. visiting Elasticsearch http://localhost:9200.
  3. visiting Kibana http://localhost:5601.
  4. Import all configurations into Kibaba. The saved configurations are stored in file export.ndjson under the root folder.

Stopping the Playground

To stop the playground, run the following command

docker-compose down

Run jobs

1.Submit the PyFlink job.

$ docker-compose exec jobmanager ./bin/flink run -py /opt/pyflink-walkthrough/ -d

2.Generate the input data for PyFlink job.

docker-compose exec jobmanager python /opt/pyflink-walkthrough/

you can use the following command to read data in kafka and check whether the data is generated correctly.

$ docker-compose exec kafka --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic payment_msg
{"createTime":"2020-07-27 09:25:32.77","orderId":1595841867217,"payAmount":7732.44,"payPlatform":0,"provinceId":3}
{"createTime":"2020-07-27 09:25:33.231","orderId":1595841867218,"payAmount":75774.05,"payPlatform":0,"provinceId":3}
{"createTime":"2020-07-27 09:25:33.72","orderId":1595841867219,"payAmount":65908.55,"payPlatform":0,"provinceId":0}
{"createTime":"2020-07-27 09:25:34.216","orderId":1595841867220,"payAmount":15341.11,"payPlatform":0,"provinceId":1}
{"createTime":"2020-07-27 09:25:34.698","orderId":1595841867221,"payAmount":37504.42,"payPlatform":0,"provinceId":0}

3.Open kibana ui and choose the dashboard: payment_dashboard



4.Stop PyFlink job:

Visit http://localhost:8081/#/overview , select the job and click Cancle.




Language:Python 67.8%Language:Dockerfile 32.2%