sjava / cccp

lein template: clojure, compojure, clojurescript and ring

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Creates a new Clojure + ClojureScript + Compojure + Ring project template

The reason it is not CCCR, is simply because CCCP is a Russian acronym fo USSR

what it does

There are two different templates cccp can create:

  • a simple barebone template
  • a template with a browser connected ClojureScript REPL (via austin)

Let's look at both.

###Simple cccp Template

lein new cccp [app name]

will create a project template in a form of:

[app name]
├── project.clj
├── resources
│   └── public
│       └── css
│           └── [app name].css   # entry point for CSS
├── src
│   └── [app name]
│       ├── cljs
│       │   ├── tools.cljs       # console logging & local storage
│       │   └── [app name].cljs  # entry point for ClojureScript
│       ├── handler.clj          # entry point for Compojure routes
│       ├── layout.clj           # sample layout (used as an example is "handler.clj")
│       └── [app name].clj       # entry point for server logic
└── test
    └── [app name]
        └── test.clj             # entry point for server side tests

which can be simply run by cd [app name] and:

lein ring server

which will compile (with ClojureScript) and start the app:

running CCCP

app is ready to roll.

a more interesting option is being able to feel/work with DOM from within a CLJS REPL, let's see how it's done.

###Browser Connected ClojureScript REPL cccp Template

this template is created the same way as a simple one above plus a handy :with-brepl option:

lein new cccp [app name] :with-brepl

which creates a project template in a form of:

[app name]
├── project.clj
├── resources
│   └── public
│       └── css
│           └── [app name].css   # entry point for CSS
├── src
│   └── [app name]
│       ├── cljs
│       │   ├── tools.cljs       # console logging & local storage
│       │   └── [app name].cljs  # entry point for ClojureScript
│       ├── handler.clj          # entry point for Compojure routes
│       ├── layout.clj           # sample layout (used as an example is "handler.clj")
│       └── [app name].clj       # entry point for server logic
└── test
    └── [app name]
        ├── brepl.clj            # configures and starts connectable cljs repl
        └── test.clj             # entry point for server side tests

now cd [app name] and:

lein repl

once inside the Clojure REPL start the app with CLJS REPL (foo here is your [app name]):

foo=> (require '[foo.brepl :refer [with-repl]])
foo=> (with-repl)
2014-03-05 22:13:39.954:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.8.v20121106
2014-03-05 22:13:39.979:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@

open a browser at http://localhost:3000/, it will make it connect to this REPL

####and now... show time!

let's change DOM from within our very own CLJS REPL:

cljs.user=> (def $container (.getElementById js/document "container"))
#<[object HTMLDivElement]>

cljs.user=> (set! (.-innerHTML $container) "I am ready <em>and</em> I am being created!")

Changing DOM with CLJS REPL


copyright © 2014 tolitius

distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


lein template: clojure, compojure, clojurescript and ring