sjava / Atient-UI-For-WeChat-Miniapp


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Atient UI

Useful components for Wechat Miniapp


  Just clone these folder into your project and add key sentence into your .json file of your page.

    "usingComponents": {
      "component-name": "path/to/component"

Then you can use the component in the page.


1.   load-image

This is a image component that could show a local .gif before the web image loaded.

Firstly add code into your .json file to use the component,and then you can write in your .wxml file. If the component's name you defined is load-image, write like this:


The properties except those view take itself are as follow:

Name Type Required Default Explanation
src string true none This is the url of the main image you wanna show
loadsrc string true none This is the url of the loading image, support .gif
mode string false aspectFit This is the scale mode of your main image, you can set it like official usage of image.You can jump here

You can add class into this component's tag to change its looks.


  <load-image class='load-image' loadsrc='load.gif' src='main.jpg' mode='scaleToFill'/>

Atient 1.0

2.   float-button-list

This is a button include less than 5 other button, which will show those with animation when you tap it.

Firstly add code into your .json file to use the component,and then you can write in your .wxml file. If the component's name you defined is float-button-list, write like this:

<float-button-list class="float-button-list"/>

If you want to make the button always on the top, remenber set z-index a big number. add things into the relative class in the .wxss file of page like this:

  position: fixed;
  bottom: 100px;
  left: 50px;
  z-index: 99;

Notice! The bottom here may be the distance from the top of this component to the bottom of window. Please change the bottom and left carefully to move it to the best place.

The properties except those view take itself are as follow:

Name Type Required Default Explanation
background string false "#62b900" This is the background color of buttons.Only support Hexadecimal format
length number false 50 This is the height and width of buttons,the unit is px.
direction string false "up" This is the translate direction of buttons. The valid values are "up","down","left" and "right".
duration number false 500 The time set for animation.
single-tap oolean false true Set "true" to make buttons move back after single tap and "false" for no.
top string true This is the icon's url of the button always show.
list array true Set icons' url for the list buttons and the item of it is listed behind. The max length set is 5.

The item of list contains only one property now:

Name Type Explanation
icon string The url to the icon of button.

This component takes an event:

Name Type Explanation
itemtap event It will return the button's Id in e.detail.current after you tap a buuton in this component.You can use it for different options.

You can add class into this component's tag to change its looks.


In .wxml

  <float-button-list class='float-button-list' list='{{list}}' top='../../resource/add.png' binditemtap='ItemTap' direction='up' single-tap='false' length='100' duration='1000' background='#e08e84'/>

In .js

data: {
 list: [{
   icon: "../../resource/idea.png"
 }, {
   icon: "../../resource/idea.png"
 }, {
   icon: "../../resource/idea.png"
 }, {
   icon: "../../resource/idea.png"
ItemTap: function(e){

Atient 1.0

  3. gradient-background

This may be a failure of my work. I don't know why it couldn't inherit class from its parent. So the only thing I can do is insert a child into itself to make a change and it goes hard to use for some the fresh.

At beginning in my design it could be use as background freely in any occasion. But now I only recommand to use it as a main background when you're introduce your Miniapp like some did on the Android. Certainly, if you're familiar with Miniapp development, you can try to adjust its class inter in its .wxss file to your application.

In your page, use it like this if you've named it as gradient-background:


The properties are as follow:

Name Type Required Default Explanation
start-color string false #000000 To set the color before beginning. And it will be set as the same as the end-color after changing finish.
end-color string false #ffffff To set the final color.
auto-start boolean false true The color start changing since this component loaded.
start boolean false false To let the change start set this true.
duration number false 500 The animation's duration.
height number false 100 The percentage of its height.
width number false 100 The percentage of its width.

This component takes two events besides events the view taking:

Name Type Explanation
start event It will cause a trigger when the animation start.
end event It will cause a trigger when the animation end.


  <gradient-background start-color='#6699ff' end-color="#e08e84" duration='100' auto-start='false' start='{{start}}' height='100' width='100' bindstart='Start' bindend='End'/>

Atient 1.1





License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%