sjakthol / aws-account-infra

Infrastructure setup for an AWS account backed by AWS CloudFormation.

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Infrastructure setup for an AWS account backed by AWS CloudFormation.

What is this?

This repository contains CloudFormation templates for an AWS infrastructure setup that contains the following components:

  • VPC with route tables that provide varying level of access to / from the public internet
  • Billing alarms that send email when the estimated charges go over a pre-defined limit
  • CloudTrail audit logging to S3
  • KMS key for encrypting secrets
  • Permission sets for AWS SSO

Managing Stacks

The Makefile included in this repository contains the following targets for each template in this repository:

  • deploy-${STACK} - creates or updates a stack from the given template
  • delete-${STACK} - deletes the given stack


make deploy-infra-iam-base
make deploy-infra-iam-base AWS_PROFILE=admin
make delete-infra-iam-base

You can use the following variables to influence the commands that get executed:

  • AWS_PROFILE - a profile for the AWS CLI --profile flag (default: default)
  • AWS_REGION - the region to deploy the stack to (default: eu-west-1)
  • TAGS - set tags to be passed to the --tags flag of aws cloudformation deploy command (default: Deployment=${REGION}-account-infra)

Setup Details


AWS SSO has the following pre-requisites:

  • You have enabled AWS Organizations
  • You have enabled AWS SSO

Once enabled, you can use infra-sso template to deploy two permission sets to AWS SSO:

  • ReadOnlyAccess - read only access to accounts the set is assigned to
  • AdministratorAccess - full admin access to accounts the set is assigned to

Once created, you must provision and assign permission sets to AWS accounts manually. Please see the AWS SSO documentation for details.


The VPC included in the setup provides IPv4 connectivity only. The key part of the template are the different route tables that provide different levels of connectivity to any subnets that use those tables. The route tables included in the setup are:

  • private - A route table for fully private networks that provides IPv4 connectivity to hosts in the VPC.
  • private-with-endpoints - A route table that also includes S3 and DynamoDB access through a VPC endpoint.
  • nat-a and nat-b - A route table with a route to the internet via a NAT Gateway (requires NAT stack).
  • public - A route table that provides full bidirectional connectivity to the internet.


The network stack contains two public, two NAT and two private subnets.

Name CIDR Route Table Import Name Details
Public A public infra-vpc-sn-public-a Public subnet with direct route to and from internet in AZ-A
Public B public infra-vpc-sn-public-b Public subnet with direct route to and from internet in AZ-B
Private A private infra-vpc-sn-private-a Private subnet with access to VPC resources only in AZ-A.
Private B private infra-vpc-sn-private-b Private subnet with access to VPC resources only in AZ-B.
NAT A nat-a infra-vpc-sn-nat-a Subnet in AZ-A with access to internet through a NAT Gateway.
NAT B nat-b infra-vpc-sn-nat-b Subnet in AZ-B with access to internet through a NAT Gateway.
Private With Endpoints A private infra-vpc-sn-private-with-endpoints-a Private subnet with access to VPC resources + VPC endpoints in AZ-A.
Private With Endpoints B private infra-vpc-sn-private-with-endpoints-b Private subnet with access to VPC resources + VPC endpoints in AZ-B.

Other stacks can refer to the subnets with Fn::ImportValue: <Import Name> syntax.


The NAT template deploys a NAT Gateway(s) to the VPC. The stack can be deployed in two modes:

  • If HighlyAvailable is set to true, the stack creates two NAT Gateways in two AZs (AZ-A and AZ-B) and attach these to the corresponding route table (nat-a and nat-b). This setup can handle an availability zone failure but costs a bit more due to two running to NAT Gateways.

  • If HighlyAvailable is set to false, the stack creates one NAT Gateway to AZ-A of the region. This gateway is attached to both nat-a and nat-b route tables. This setup is less expensive but it cannot handle a failure of the availability zone that hosts the NAT Gateway. Additionally, traffic from instances using subnets in AZ-B will incur additional charges for cross-AZ traffic.

The template deploys the highly available setup by default.

Billing Alarms

The billing alarms stack creates an SNS topic, subscribes your email address to it and creates four alarms with increasing thresholds for the monthly estimated charges. The default thresholds are:

  • First Alarm: $10
  • Second Alarm: $20
  • Third Alarm: $40
  • Fourth Alarm: $100

Note: You need to enable the Receive Billing Alerts feature from the Billing Preferences of your account for the alarms to be functional. Also, the stack must be deployed to the us-east-1 region as the metrics are only available there.


The CloudTrail setup included in this repository is pretty simple. The CloudFormation stack includes an S3 bucket for the CloudTrail logs and a global trail that logs to that bucket.


The KMS stack will create a KMS key that can be used to encrypt secrets for different purposes. The KMS key policy allows everyone to manage the key which means that access to the key is fully controlled by IAM policies of the users and roles on the account.

The stack also contains an alias that makes it easier to use that key.


The buckets stack contains infra-level buckets such as a bucket for build artifacts and storing account-wide logs.

Stack Sets

The stacksets stack will create CloudFormation stack sets that deploy buckets, vpc and subnets to all member accounts.


Infrastructure setup for an AWS account backed by AWS CloudFormation.

License:MIT License


Language:Makefile 100.0%