sjafarli / automation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automation scripts

Scripts to automate the CMS related maintenance and manage contestant machines.

Note: secret keys and other important credentials shall be stored in provisioning server. Do not publish it to Git repo.

CMS Related:

To clone CMS from IOI2019 repo and install:

  • to worker machines: ansible-playbook install_cms_worker.yml -i hosts_stage
  • to server machines: ansible-playbook install_cms_server.yml -i hosts_stage

Keep different inventories for development, testing and production(hosts_dev, hosts_test and hosts_prd, correspondingly).

To provision the updated cms.conf

  • to worker machines: ansible-playbook provision_worker_config.yml -i hosts_stage

  • to server machines: ansible-playbook provision_server_config.yml -i hosts_stage

Ranking server

to cleanup and updating new images: ansible-playbook refresh_ranking_data.yml -i hosts_stage

Administration scripts

  • Unlock and lock during the contests --

  • Enable/distable USB --

  • General : run any bash script on a host --
