sixertoy / mustacher

JS tool to help build HTML static pages. Perfect for templating eZPublish, Magento, Drupal... CMS models

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mustacher Built with Grunt

MIT License NPM version NPM downloads build coverage

Designed for fit my own needs to build HTML static pages to be incorpored inside a website based on Magento, eZPublish or Drupal templates

It provide an easy way to include handlebar's partials files inside HTML template page with a minimal list of helpers like include, repeat (loop), or, and, livereload...


npm install mustacher --save

Exposed helpers



const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const mustacher = require('mustacher');

// variables at root level touched by any helper
const context = { private: 'as @root.private' };

// default config
const config = {
  cwd: __dirname,
  delimiter: {
    ldim: '{{',
    rdim: '}}',
  partials: {
    ext: '.hbs',
    src: 'partials',

const templateFile = path.join(__dirname, 'index.html');
const outputfile = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'public', 'index.html');

const fsOptions = { encoding: 'utf8' };
const templateContent = fs.readFileSync(templateFile, fsOptions);
const compiledOutput = mustacher(templateContent, <context>, <config>);
fs.writeFileSync(outputfile, compiledOutput, fsOptions);



<div class="part">
  {{$include 'relative/to/root/path/to/template'}}

$css & $js helper

  ... {{$css 'path/to/css/file'}}
  <!-- include inline -->
  {{$css '__build__/path/to/css/file' true}} ...
    <div id="main-footer">
    {{$js 'path/to/js/file'}}

$image (default width: 300)

<div class="image">
<div class="image">
  {{$image 300}}
<div class="image">
  {{$image 300 200}}


<img src="my/file.png?{{$timestamp}}" alt="" title="" />
<img src="my/file.png?{{$timestamp 20}}" alt="" title="" />


<div id="footer">
  {{$livereload 1337}}


  <b>{{$random 1 31}}</b>
<span>{{$random 0 1 true}}</span>



{{$ldim}}toto {{$ldim}}toto{{$rdim}}


toto{{$rdim}} {{$ldim}}toto{{$rdim}}


{{$css 'path/to/file'}} {{$css 'path/to/file.min'}} {{$css 'path/to/file.min'


{{$js 'path/to/file'}} {{$js 'path/to/file.min'}} {{$js 'path/to/file.min'



  {{#repeat 4}}
  <li class="{{class}}">
    <a href="" alt="{{count}} of {{of}}">item </a>
      <li class="{{#if @first}}first{{/if}}">
        <span>sub item {{@../index}}/{{@index}}</span>


{{#and true false ...}}


{{#or true false ...}}


{{#equal 'toto' 'blague'}}


not yet implemented

  • Lorem Ipsum



JS tool to help build HTML static pages. Perfect for templating eZPublish, Magento, Drupal... CMS models


Language:JavaScript 94.7%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:Shell 0.5%